A Voice Declaring: Synchronize (harmonize, coordinate) Judah, the nation of Israel, of Judaism, about bringing her into line prophetically on the map 02/16/2011
Seen to Be seeing a hand writing the name Jeremiah and the numbers, the scripture, 37:8, the overall fall of early Judah, of Mystery Babylon, of mankind’s kingdoms on the map
A Voice Declaring: “Solar Flare,” dangers from the stellar heavens frightfully and continuously on the map 09/18/2010
A Voice Declaring, Inquiring: “Who own the church?” ”A Voice Replying: “Rome!” 03/16/2005
Dear Minister Selby, 06/09/2011
Also see Dear Mr. Selby: http://dearmister007.blogspot.com/
-Hi, Jonathan, Apostle Bradford here, did you get my last correspondence? I wrote you a week or so ago as soon as I saw your June 2009 prediction, this captured my attention because I’ve been expecting something similar this June of 2011. The archangel Gabriel appeared to me in May of 2004, what I remember him saying was, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so was there something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel. It wasn’t long after I got over the fact the archangel appeared to me, that we, mankind was so unworthy, that I remember there was something in the bible, if I wasn’t mistaken, in the book of revelation about a seventh angel.
-Much to my amazement Jonathan, biblical prophecy surrounding the seventh angel simply verify what I said, the archangel said to me, it goes like this, Rev. 10:7, but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. As so there’s Rev. 11:15, And the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign forever. It all represent as Gabriel said to me, the fulfillment of the mysteries (prophecies) of God, and the end of nation building.
-Of course when you look at the entirety of the 10th chapter of revelation, though the Apostle John with pen and paper tried, something even more outside depiction is happening. Something that’s to be a beyond divine spin on what the archangel is truly forewarning this end-time Apostle/church-bride.
This descending mighty Angel, clothed with a cloud, crown by a rainbow, with his cloud like feet stretched, the right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth. Of course it’s the Christ’s Lord (Emanuelle, God with us), mighty in power, glory and dominion, again straddling the sea and the earth, does he lift up his hand to the heavens, and he, this beyond description Holy Lord, God, begin to swear by the very event the Archangel Gabriel is proclaiming will mark the end-time fulfillment that’s upon this mankind, this age at present.
-Remarkably, phenomenally so, I just can’t get my mind around this, probably not suppose to, though again imagined this if you will, this bigger than life image that is beyond anything we’re to think, believe and again visualize. He again lifts his hand to heaven, he’s in a swearing position, possibly book of revelation in one hand, the other like the statue of liberty, but again larger than all things heaven and earth, it’s stretch toward God throne’s in heaven. This one who lives forever and ever, this one who created heaven and all things therein are, this one who created the earth and all things therein are, this one who created the sea and all things therein are. That he’s swearing, he making this beyond all things oath that when the seventh angel the archangel Gabriel in 2004 mention, that when He begin to sound “THERE SHALL BE TIME NO LONGER,” and according to Gabriel’s appearing we are it.
-This mean all the prior false starts pale in comparison to this Christ Lord Almighty swearing by God in heaven, this shall be the end, the end of sin, the end of nation building, the end of biblical prophecy fulfilling, Christ’s millennium, reign. Just last night I was using for an example to my spouse how a pregnancy is most trying in those final weeks prior to delivery, and though this new mother may have many false starts most disappointing, once her water breaks it is plainly and dramatically clear, even celebrative how it’s time of delivery is come, soon very soon without question a newness is upon.
-This is what the seventh angel prophecy represent, that regardless of centuries of false starts, the sounding of the seventh angel is upon us, and thus the fulfillment of all end time, biblical events. Although I never related this to this 2004 appearing, I was caught up in visions and dreams the morning of 08/10/2010, I wish I could tell you what I saw and heard but the truth is I don't rightly know. That's correct, like it was routine, or it just wasn't that important, only as I began to wake I heard a voice say and I quote, "and this shall be the end."
-My Christ Jesus, who's about to be on the earth, you should've seen me trying to do like this re-run or trying to take what I supposedly heard and saw more serious, 'and this shall be the end.' Of course now I know what I saw and what it all represent, a blessed assurance how the Christ’s Lord is right now riding on the clouds of heaven, rainbows, stars and all toward the sleeping in this Holy Lord first, then those yet alive, all, who’re to hear his beckoning call and into the heavens like a flash evolve. Of course I thought of one scripture passage in particular, the one event on this planet whereas we’re to know for a certainty fulfillment is here and there is no looking or turning back. This would be Jesus crying aloud, when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:), how this astonishing, horrifying event alone will mark for a total the end-time fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Matthew 25th chapter
-I too Jonathan have been following a timetable, though it’s one given me by the Holy Spirits themselves, although they’ve been showing me the smoke of this nation burning since the late eighties, it was the year of our Lord December 2001. How I looked into a dream, one representing the nations of this world being weighed, found wanting, with a weigh scale totaling a figure of 190, I calculated this sum to be 190 months, meaning 15.10 years. That this is how long the supreme father was giving the nations of men too as was described of the prophet Daniel, that they’re to make an end of sin, bringing in everlasting righteousness (Jesus Christ) and thus God’s reigning kingdom. From this sum 15.10, I subtracted according to biblical prophecy 42 months belonging to the Gentile area of biblical Israel, and 42 months to the anti-Christ reign, meaning seven total years, this only left eight years and ten months for world nation to repent, all of which has expired.
-I was sitting in front of the television in 2010, American Idol was on and just as this show was going on, all the perpetual nonsense of it, I said and I quote, my god, when is all of this going to end? Now you must know I have this truly remarkable hearing gift, I never thought of this way before, but that’s what it is. Things I hear is sometimes man talking among themselves, there’s evil spirits, even territorial spirits conversing among themselves, as so there are times I hear Holy Spirits talking among themselves. There was this one time years ago I heard a voice ask America, whether or not she’d ever died before, I recognized this as territorial spirits conversing among themselves. This particular night of March 7, I heard a voice say, in 39 and a half weeks you’ll be dead, and just as soon I heard an additional voice say, December 18th, it was here I rose from bed, found a pen and paper and wrote down what I heard.
-When I did raise from bed later that morning, I went to my calendar just to see what I would find, truly 39 an a half weeks from March 7th 2010, would be December 18th 2010, you see they didn’t only give me this timetable, they even calculated it for me. Of course it all made sense, the eight years and ten months of the December 2001 timetable would’ve originally expired in or around December 2009, with ten months pending. Now I have another reminder, revision of this timetable, one I don’t pay much attention to, but one written in my prophecy links, July 2008, a voice declaring: Two weeks and seven years from now, now we’re talking 2015, a scientist on your page predicted something between the years 2008, and 2015. Out of all of the things they’ve been showing me and telling me I predicted the end of nation building, but I expected the great gathering of saints to happen no later than 2009, now here I was being directed to December 18.th Unknowingly, though was there a rare, nearly four hundred year old winter, solstice eclipse, one so far brining on its heel unprecedented disasters all the world around. Although just as I get forewarnings about a tornado outbreak at the end of December 2010, I hear a voice declaring, six more months and the beginning of this May passed, a voice declaring further, A Big June, of course the month of June would fulfill the extended for six months time-table.
-I want to say this count down in my head began just before President Obama was voted into office, I’d predicted in 2003 how despite how successful the Bush wars, however a Hussein would one day father this nation. The Holy Spirits will verify I knew nothing whatsoever of Barack Obama prior to this prediction, I simply calculated and believed end-time prophecy to this degree. Thus I’d already predicted he would be the end-time man of peace, not the anti-Christ, as I figure they were two separate people, one to draft the peace accord and another, possibly a Syrian, to break it. I looked Jonathan in a dream just before President Obama was voted into office, in the dream I was making it like a world leader and we’d sat down to a table for talks.
-It was here in this dream the Holy Spirit said and I quote, he’s the one,” that’s all he said was, “he’s the one, in this dream Mr. Obama went on to persuade me how he could be trusted, and from there he encourage me to pay close attention to his itinerary as proof. This was a month or so before he meet with Britain and France leaders, If I’m not mistaking there has been this countdown going on in my head every since. So you see why I found so much interest in your prophecy, both the year 2009, and the month of June, it will mark the anniversary of so many things both ancient prophecy and those at present. The Holy Spirit described to be recently how when Daniel was shown end-time prophecy, he was commissioned to conceal it, that when John the revelator was shown end-time prophecy, the rise of the anti-Christ, he was told to reveal, for the time of exposure was at hand.
-How for the last twenty-five years, since spring of 1986, when the Christ appeared to me in the heavens, three times telling me to come, where the prophet Ezekiel 1993/94 showed me three time-tested doors in God’s throne. Then in 2004, the archangel Gabriel was forewarning how the time of fulfillment, this generation, this age was now at hand. Now seven years later, a proposed for this age Big June in which this Apostle believe, the Islamic protest, as so that protesting greatly failing governments and financial sectors all around the world is the great falling away the Apostle Paul spoke of, and this month at present will be the great gathering of saints. I don’t believe Jonathan finding your material, so very encouraging I may add was no coincidence, I believe there are too spirits working for and against us for there to be coincidence. I believe the Holy Spirit, (Holies of Holy), want you to know your forewarning the people haven’t been in vain, how a good servant indeed is the watchman of house, be ye strong in Lord and in power of his might. Apb, The RAM
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, the Ram
Apostle P. Bradford
The Rising Above Ministry (RAM)
Also see Dear Mr. Camping: http://dearmister007.blogspot.com/2011/03/dear-mr-camping.html
See Also http://thethingshereafter.blogspot.com
Prophetically On The Map
Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link
Prophecy Links
-A Voice Declaring: "Two weeks and seven years," a divine countdown, unto the fulfillment of all things biblical and prophetic again on the map 07/29/2008 (see Russia and Georgia, a prelude to end time world wars)
-A Voice Declaring: One Month from now, the calculation, or a time clock totaling a sum of one month on the map 11/04/2008
-A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
-A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
-A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010
-A Voice Declaring: In Six Months, the calculation or time clock totaling six months into the new year remarkably on the map 12/31/2010
-A Voice Declaring: “A Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011 (see 1970, Elvis Presley, invasions on American soil)
-A Voice Declaring: “Eight Days More, there’s something about a divine time table on the map 05/27/2010
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: How Great Thou Art
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Dear Mr. Selby
A Voice Declaring: “Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011 (see 1970, Elvis Presley, invasions on American soil)
A Voice Declaring: “Eight Days More, there’s something about a divine time table on the map 05/27/2010
Dear Mr. Selby 06/03/2011
-Dear Jonathan, Apostle Bradford here, I was researching Solar Flares on the internet moments ago and ran across your videos, I was truly astonished when I saw the date you’d given as the date of the great gathering of saints. My story Jonathan is one dating back some twenty five years ago, 1986, the spring thereof, I could tell you what I saw and heard and what it all mean but such phenomenal things have happen since. I want to know do you read? That’s what I do, I write, I minister to God’s people all manner of end-time prophecy that coincides completely with the word of God that they’re not to be taken in snares but forewarn, by writing.
-Just yesterday while sitting at the table with my granddaughter playing cards, she said something about people talking about kissing Jesus feet, immediately I told her I woke up in a dream some years ago, (2004). In this dream I was kneeling down as to kiss Jesus feet just before I looked up and all around me realizing I was standing with this Christ Lord on the mount of Olives. I told her when Jesus return with the saints, he’s suppose to sat his feet that day upon the mount of olives, it’s in the fourteenth chapter of Zechariah, I told her, and soon she read it for herself, as so Jude, Enoch, describing how tens of thousands o f saints will return with him.
-That Jonathan is what my entire Christian life has been about, these inconceivable dreams, visions and visitations to heaven, even heaven coming down to visit me, the archangel Gabriel that is , 2004, he explained to me how the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so was there something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel. This is why I asked whether or not you write, I wrote a paper entitled Knowing whereas Holy Spirits through this end time Apostle/Prophet predicted the end of nation building thirty-nine and a half weeks from March 7th 2010, as so was there a date given, December 18th.
-Surely when you calculate thirty-nine and a half weeks from March 7th you get December 18th, you will understand better when you realize this time table was off of a earlier time table given me December 25th of 2001. One whereas the Kingdoms of men were given exactly 190 months to make an end of sin, and bring in everlasting righteousness (repent, Jesus Christ), which is 15.10 years. Thinking with seven of these years belonging to the anti-Christ reign, I calculated America’s end around the year 2009, your year, so this new date December 2010 was only off like a year more or less .
-Well to make the last twenty-five years shorter, December 31st 2010 I was told there would be another six months further, and the first of May of 2011, I was given the word of knowledge Big June, and around May 26, 27, 2011, I heard a voice declare, eight days more. I always thought this countdown was that counting down to the great gathering of saints, it’s been seven years since the mount of Olives dream, Gabriel, since I seen a trial run and dress rehearsal for the great gathering of saints, as so the Christ Lord being made ready to come into the Battle.
-As so Jonathan, there’s this single dream in 2004, where I heard sirens and trumpets through the night and where I witness born again saints shooting into the heavens all over the planets like fire rockets. Where in the heavens just above I witness a cloud awaiting this fantastic gathering, a cloud that kept getting larger and larger and fatter and fatter every time a saint was captured into it. To be completely honest, and though I’d not realized it before the year 2004, three years into the December 2001 prophecy was extremely volatile with dreams and visions regarding this especial promise to “GET THE REDEEM OUT!”
-When you describe this Solar event predicted of 2012 as what Jesus could be describing as that solar event proceeding his second return is how I explained this strange physic symbol MC2=(JESUS) F =ma given to me in a dreamscape around 1998, although I think this event is now as I write. I knew immediately it was a physics equation, and how this manner of science was basically about NEO’s I then figure it could only mean Jesus would arrive just as the heavens was performing itself rather cataclysmic. As I said this is how I’ve always explained what this bizzare imagine mean, I then believe after twenty-five years of forewarnings regarding both the smoke of America’s burning (mystery Babylon. As so this worldwide system of whoredom, commerce, politics/religion destruction), as so the great gathering of saints, these primary events are nigh at hand, that this could be the fulfillment of your and the Holy Spirit Big June prediction, beware, take heed, Apb, The RAM…
A Voice Declaring: “Solar Flare,” dangers from the stellar heavens frightfully and continuously on the map 09/18/2010
Also see Dear Mr. Camping: http://dearmister007.blogspot.com/2011/03/dear-mr-camping.html
See Also http://thethingshereafter.blogspot.com
-That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, ) © Copyright 2009-2010 By: THE R.AM, All RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Prophetically On The Map
-Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link
Prophecy Links
-A Voice Declaring: "Two weeks and seven years," a divine countdown, unto the fulfillment of all things biblical and prophetic again on the map 07/29/2008 (see Russia and Georgia, a prelude to end time world wars)
-A Voice Declaring: One Month from now, the calculation, or a time clock totaling a sum of one month on the map 11/04/2008
-A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
-A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
-A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010
-A Voice Declaring: In Six Months, the calculation or time clock totaling six months into the new year remarkably on the map 12/31/2010
-A Voice Declaring: “A Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011 (see 1970, Elvis Presley, invasions on American soil)
-A Voice Declaring: “Eight Days More, there’s something about a divine time table on the map 05/27/2010 For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: How Great Thou Art
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
A Voice Declaring: “Eight Days More, there’s something about a divine time table on the map 05/27/2010
Dear Mr. Selby 06/03/2011
-Dear Jonathan, Apostle Bradford here, I was researching Solar Flares on the internet moments ago and ran across your videos, I was truly astonished when I saw the date you’d given as the date of the great gathering of saints. My story Jonathan is one dating back some twenty five years ago, 1986, the spring thereof, I could tell you what I saw and heard and what it all mean but such phenomenal things have happen since. I want to know do you read? That’s what I do, I write, I minister to God’s people all manner of end-time prophecy that coincides completely with the word of God that they’re not to be taken in snares but forewarn, by writing.
-Just yesterday while sitting at the table with my granddaughter playing cards, she said something about people talking about kissing Jesus feet, immediately I told her I woke up in a dream some years ago, (2004). In this dream I was kneeling down as to kiss Jesus feet just before I looked up and all around me realizing I was standing with this Christ Lord on the mount of Olives. I told her when Jesus return with the saints, he’s suppose to sat his feet that day upon the mount of olives, it’s in the fourteenth chapter of Zechariah, I told her, and soon she read it for herself, as so Jude, Enoch, describing how tens of thousands o f saints will return with him.
-That Jonathan is what my entire Christian life has been about, these inconceivable dreams, visions and visitations to heaven, even heaven coming down to visit me, the archangel Gabriel that is , 2004, he explained to me how the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so was there something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel. This is why I asked whether or not you write, I wrote a paper entitled Knowing whereas Holy Spirits through this end time Apostle/Prophet predicted the end of nation building thirty-nine and a half weeks from March 7th 2010, as so was there a date given, December 18th.
-Surely when you calculate thirty-nine and a half weeks from March 7th you get December 18th, you will understand better when you realize this time table was off of a earlier time table given me December 25th of 2001. One whereas the Kingdoms of men were given exactly 190 months to make an end of sin, and bring in everlasting righteousness (repent, Jesus Christ), which is 15.10 years. Thinking with seven of these years belonging to the anti-Christ reign, I calculated America’s end around the year 2009, your year, so this new date December 2010 was only off like a year more or less .
-Well to make the last twenty-five years shorter, December 31st 2010 I was told there would be another six months further, and the first of May of 2011, I was given the word of knowledge Big June, and around May 26, 27, 2011, I heard a voice declare, eight days more. I always thought this countdown was that counting down to the great gathering of saints, it’s been seven years since the mount of Olives dream, Gabriel, since I seen a trial run and dress rehearsal for the great gathering of saints, as so the Christ Lord being made ready to come into the Battle.
-As so Jonathan, there’s this single dream in 2004, where I heard sirens and trumpets through the night and where I witness born again saints shooting into the heavens all over the planets like fire rockets. Where in the heavens just above I witness a cloud awaiting this fantastic gathering, a cloud that kept getting larger and larger and fatter and fatter every time a saint was captured into it. To be completely honest, and though I’d not realized it before the year 2004, three years into the December 2001 prophecy was extremely volatile with dreams and visions regarding this especial promise to “GET THE REDEEM OUT!”
-When you describe this Solar event predicted of 2012 as what Jesus could be describing as that solar event proceeding his second return is how I explained this strange physic symbol MC2=(JESUS) F =ma given to me in a dreamscape around 1998, although I think this event is now as I write. I knew immediately it was a physics equation, and how this manner of science was basically about NEO’s I then figure it could only mean Jesus would arrive just as the heavens was performing itself rather cataclysmic. As I said this is how I’ve always explained what this bizzare imagine mean, I then believe after twenty-five years of forewarnings regarding both the smoke of America’s burning (mystery Babylon. As so this worldwide system of whoredom, commerce, politics/religion destruction), as so the great gathering of saints, these primary events are nigh at hand, that this could be the fulfillment of your and the Holy Spirit Big June prediction, beware, take heed, Apb, The RAM…
A Voice Declaring: “Solar Flare,” dangers from the stellar heavens frightfully and continuously on the map 09/18/2010
Also see Dear Mr. Camping: http://dearmister007.blogspot.com/2011/03/dear-mr-camping.html
See Also http://thethingshereafter.blogspot.com
-That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, ) © Copyright 2009-2010 By: THE R.AM, All RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Prophetically On The Map
-Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link
Prophecy Links
-A Voice Declaring: "Two weeks and seven years," a divine countdown, unto the fulfillment of all things biblical and prophetic again on the map 07/29/2008 (see Russia and Georgia, a prelude to end time world wars)
-A Voice Declaring: One Month from now, the calculation, or a time clock totaling a sum of one month on the map 11/04/2008
-A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
-A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
-A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010
-A Voice Declaring: In Six Months, the calculation or time clock totaling six months into the new year remarkably on the map 12/31/2010
-A Voice Declaring: “A Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011 (see 1970, Elvis Presley, invasions on American soil)
-A Voice Declaring: “Eight Days More, there’s something about a divine time table on the map 05/27/2010 For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: How Great Thou Art
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Big June!
Prophecy Link
A Voice Declaring: “Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011
There's something about my 24th prophecy link, my 24th prophecy link 2001 is a voice declaring: Islam; venerated (adored) as Holy, the rise of Islam mightily on the map 05/03/2011
There’s something about storms, about Memphis and flash flooding, about a search after loved ones, like Darius, the fall of peace, of lost loved ones continuously on the map 04/18/2011
-In this dream there was more than flash flooding but it was an additional dream since before April whereas I witness multiple feet of flood water in my basement, 4 to 7 feet. Although my youngest Son, and next to the youngest grandson names are Darius, I believe the forewarning here is more related to King Darius, the one especially of the Prophet Daniel’s Era. It is Daniel prophecies regarding the 70th week of years, the last seven years of this age upon which this Apostle believe we've entered into. Since the territories of which Daniel spoke is now ruled by Islam, it doesn’t take a genius to realize this is why all the world focus is now upon Islam and will be until that seven year peace accord is realized and the anti-Christ is by Jesus Christ, defeated…beware, Apb, The RAM
The Prince Of Persia
-Graciously this was the prophecy that took 21 days for the Archangel Gabriel and Michael to deliver to Daniel as the territorial spirit, the Prince of Persia stood in Gabriel's way, which took Michael's assistance and again 21 days. This is where Daniel was reassured how the moment he ask; an answered was referred to him, but was slightly hindered this way. The urgency of this matter is this, as far as these territorial spirits are concern nothing of the last two thousand years ever existed.
-As far as they're concern we're right now living between 586 to 538 BC to 97 AD with especially the reemergence of the Assyrian to the Roman Empire (see Babylon, even Alexander The Great), unto the complete destruction of Israel. Incredibly with every Islamic protest, every war on terrorism, every proposed Islamic leader captured or killed, as so every monstrous disaster realized and pending we've entered into this final week. As so the end of mankind's reign by a proposed for three thousand years tyrant (the anti-Christ) that will cause the death and damnation of millions is readily upon us.
-When Jesus forewarn the inquiring disciples about these times he first admonished them to not be deceived, Jesus did this for at this time. This end time as at present deception would be rampant at Satan’s purpose not to save his Kingdom, but to all the more destroy, as in damn for all eternity every kingdom, the very rock bed regarding the immortal souls of men. Satan’s one ability to bruise the Lamb blood of life heel would be to lead as many of the souls of men to hell as possible.
-This is where God’s hand is virtually tied where unbelief, and thus lack of faith and repentance is all the more forfeited by rebellious men. The pale horse rider of pestilence and death rides with hell as a demonstration how the more God’s wrath reign on the earth the more people are going to fall away from the faith, beware. Even more concerning this Supreme compassionate one has promised to all the more assist deluding those who believe not in the love of truth (Christ Jesus Cross) but have their pleasures in unrighteousness. This is why under the death rider vision (1997), how regardless of Christ’s Cross overcoming death’s sting and glory, this bringer of death and horror rode victoriously as he was embolden by the sins and transgressions of rebellious men. Beware…Apb, The RAM
Big June
-Now according to Holy Spirits, and hear this Apostle well, nothing that has gone before us as far as Islamic protest, as far as deadly earthquakes, snowstorms and tornado producing storms. Just as so epic to biblical proportional flooding, I guess I should throw in the proposed execution of billion to trillion dollar man Osama Bin Laden. According to the grapes of wrath we're now embarking upon what is described by Holy Spirits as a big June, right before May of 2010, not 2011, but 2010I was forewarn about May trials, and it turn out to be the worse May for America on record. Now with a tremendously taxing April, seeming hundreds dead passed on, some to life eternal, most to immortal death.
-Here is another May, with a BIG JUNE pending. Although I had an older brother nick named Big June, and time I heard this word waking me out of sleep,, I thought of him. Big June. (Abraham) was killed in a police chase possibly a week after famed Elvis Priestly died. I didn’t think this two part word had much to do with him until Holy Spirits remind me how he was named for Father Abraham, the one with the two fueling sons Isaac (Judaism) and Ismail, (Islam) and the adopted son/savior of the world Jesus Christ, with this reality both sides of what these two part word is to mean is again right on target with the middle east and biblical prophecy.
-You’re to remember after I prophesied December 18th 2010 as the end of mankind’s Kingdom unto the ani-Christ reign. Evenly ten days after a nearly 400 year old winter Solstice eclipse brought on its heel that yet reeling today unprecedented manner of natural disasters. As I testified earlier ten days later Holy Spirit gave me an additional time table of six more months, and just last night ‘Big June’, which will again put this end time clock of years right back on schedule. There is people only one way out of this vastly crumbling world, this just as hugely collapsed nation of America, Jesus, he alone, by his shed blood described Himself as the way, truth and life. How no man, again that’s no man, can enter unto the Father Lord except by Him, this bloody cross, redemption, adoption, behold he stand at the door and knock if any man.
Also see Dear Mr. Camping: http://dearmister007.blogspot.com/2011/03/dear-mr-camping.html
See Also http://thethingshereafter.blogspot.com
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Prophecy Links
The Rise Of The Anti-Christ -Seen To Be Seeing In Large Print, the world SIN, as so the number 666, as just recently I saw a puzzle image of 666 as it felt as though it was being burrowed agonizingly into my skull 05/13/2010 (see man of sin mark of the beast, II Thess. 2nd Chapter. Rev. 13:11-18)
-Seen to be seeing celebrating in our streets a mighty, marching cover or banner of red, our streets being made red all the more on the map 05/20/2010 (see second seal)
-Seen to be seeing a finger write the last letters of the name Michael, a hand writing AEL, of the name Michael (see Gods army, commander, the archangel Michael)
-Seen to be receiving a mark on my hand, getting marked on the hand, like the mark of the beast frightfully on the map 05/20/2010
- -There's something about bomb threats, explosions and being taken captive, something about using a lengthy strand of hair to measure all the death, dying and gore 05/19/2010 (see Rev. 14:17-20, God's wrath, six feet, see unprecedented tribulation).
Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19
I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: Unredeemed
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
A Voice Declaring: “Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011
There's something about my 24th prophecy link, my 24th prophecy link 2001 is a voice declaring: Islam; venerated (adored) as Holy, the rise of Islam mightily on the map 05/03/2011
There’s something about storms, about Memphis and flash flooding, about a search after loved ones, like Darius, the fall of peace, of lost loved ones continuously on the map 04/18/2011
-In this dream there was more than flash flooding but it was an additional dream since before April whereas I witness multiple feet of flood water in my basement, 4 to 7 feet. Although my youngest Son, and next to the youngest grandson names are Darius, I believe the forewarning here is more related to King Darius, the one especially of the Prophet Daniel’s Era. It is Daniel prophecies regarding the 70th week of years, the last seven years of this age upon which this Apostle believe we've entered into. Since the territories of which Daniel spoke is now ruled by Islam, it doesn’t take a genius to realize this is why all the world focus is now upon Islam and will be until that seven year peace accord is realized and the anti-Christ is by Jesus Christ, defeated…beware, Apb, The RAM
The Prince Of Persia
-Graciously this was the prophecy that took 21 days for the Archangel Gabriel and Michael to deliver to Daniel as the territorial spirit, the Prince of Persia stood in Gabriel's way, which took Michael's assistance and again 21 days. This is where Daniel was reassured how the moment he ask; an answered was referred to him, but was slightly hindered this way. The urgency of this matter is this, as far as these territorial spirits are concern nothing of the last two thousand years ever existed.
-As far as they're concern we're right now living between 586 to 538 BC to 97 AD with especially the reemergence of the Assyrian to the Roman Empire (see Babylon, even Alexander The Great), unto the complete destruction of Israel. Incredibly with every Islamic protest, every war on terrorism, every proposed Islamic leader captured or killed, as so every monstrous disaster realized and pending we've entered into this final week. As so the end of mankind's reign by a proposed for three thousand years tyrant (the anti-Christ) that will cause the death and damnation of millions is readily upon us.
-When Jesus forewarn the inquiring disciples about these times he first admonished them to not be deceived, Jesus did this for at this time. This end time as at present deception would be rampant at Satan’s purpose not to save his Kingdom, but to all the more destroy, as in damn for all eternity every kingdom, the very rock bed regarding the immortal souls of men. Satan’s one ability to bruise the Lamb blood of life heel would be to lead as many of the souls of men to hell as possible.
-This is where God’s hand is virtually tied where unbelief, and thus lack of faith and repentance is all the more forfeited by rebellious men. The pale horse rider of pestilence and death rides with hell as a demonstration how the more God’s wrath reign on the earth the more people are going to fall away from the faith, beware. Even more concerning this Supreme compassionate one has promised to all the more assist deluding those who believe not in the love of truth (Christ Jesus Cross) but have their pleasures in unrighteousness. This is why under the death rider vision (1997), how regardless of Christ’s Cross overcoming death’s sting and glory, this bringer of death and horror rode victoriously as he was embolden by the sins and transgressions of rebellious men. Beware…Apb, The RAM
Big June
-Now according to Holy Spirits, and hear this Apostle well, nothing that has gone before us as far as Islamic protest, as far as deadly earthquakes, snowstorms and tornado producing storms. Just as so epic to biblical proportional flooding, I guess I should throw in the proposed execution of billion to trillion dollar man Osama Bin Laden. According to the grapes of wrath we're now embarking upon what is described by Holy Spirits as a big June, right before May of 2010, not 2011, but 2010I was forewarn about May trials, and it turn out to be the worse May for America on record. Now with a tremendously taxing April, seeming hundreds dead passed on, some to life eternal, most to immortal death.
-Here is another May, with a BIG JUNE pending. Although I had an older brother nick named Big June, and time I heard this word waking me out of sleep,, I thought of him. Big June. (Abraham) was killed in a police chase possibly a week after famed Elvis Priestly died. I didn’t think this two part word had much to do with him until Holy Spirits remind me how he was named for Father Abraham, the one with the two fueling sons Isaac (Judaism) and Ismail, (Islam) and the adopted son/savior of the world Jesus Christ, with this reality both sides of what these two part word is to mean is again right on target with the middle east and biblical prophecy.
-You’re to remember after I prophesied December 18th 2010 as the end of mankind’s Kingdom unto the ani-Christ reign. Evenly ten days after a nearly 400 year old winter Solstice eclipse brought on its heel that yet reeling today unprecedented manner of natural disasters. As I testified earlier ten days later Holy Spirit gave me an additional time table of six more months, and just last night ‘Big June’, which will again put this end time clock of years right back on schedule. There is people only one way out of this vastly crumbling world, this just as hugely collapsed nation of America, Jesus, he alone, by his shed blood described Himself as the way, truth and life. How no man, again that’s no man, can enter unto the Father Lord except by Him, this bloody cross, redemption, adoption, behold he stand at the door and knock if any man.
Also see Dear Mr. Camping: http://dearmister007.blogspot.com/2011/03/dear-mr-camping.html
See Also http://thethingshereafter.blogspot.com
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Prophecy Links
The Rise Of The Anti-Christ -Seen To Be Seeing In Large Print, the world SIN, as so the number 666, as just recently I saw a puzzle image of 666 as it felt as though it was being burrowed agonizingly into my skull 05/13/2010 (see man of sin mark of the beast, II Thess. 2nd Chapter. Rev. 13:11-18)
-Seen to be seeing celebrating in our streets a mighty, marching cover or banner of red, our streets being made red all the more on the map 05/20/2010 (see second seal)
-Seen to be seeing a finger write the last letters of the name Michael, a hand writing AEL, of the name Michael (see Gods army, commander, the archangel Michael)
-Seen to be receiving a mark on my hand, getting marked on the hand, like the mark of the beast frightfully on the map 05/20/2010
- -There's something about bomb threats, explosions and being taken captive, something about using a lengthy strand of hair to measure all the death, dying and gore 05/19/2010 (see Rev. 14:17-20, God's wrath, six feet, see unprecedented tribulation).
Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19
I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: Unredeemed
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Barbarian, The Ethiopian, The Christ
Dreams, Earthquakes and Storms In The Links Prophecy
-There’s something about women, children and terrorist plots, more covert manner of terrorist attacks on the map 03/27/2010
-Seen to be seeing us in an earthquake, surrounded by earthquake damage, seen to be panic all around...03/04/2011
-Seen To Be Seeing an explosive light, A Voice Declaring Japan, Japan under an explosive light on the map 12/26/2010
-There's something about New York, about New York and a head wound, a violent blow to the head on the map 03/12/2011
-There's something about H1N1, bird flu or outbreaks again on the map 03/12/2011
Why no looting in Japan? Pastor Manning Tells the Whole Truth!
-It’s as though Pastor Manning himself doesn’t know not only is mankind’s history, but his very nature is one of barbarism, of murder and mayhem dating back to the first recorded manslaughter of brother Cain slaying brother Abel. Jesus Christ, God was manifested in the flesh and dwelled among us because man is good? No because mankind is a ruin, he’s a ruin upon this planet, upon nation building and especially upon his fellow man, this ruination is in the very blood of mankind. Ideally change his heart, change his blood, change his blood change his blood lineage, thus is the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God.
-This is why the prophet Ezekiel explain how God is to take the old heart, the heart of flesh (filthiness, corruption) and give unto man a new heart of compassion, This is why God is described as one who judges mankind by his heart, why Jesus exclaimed how it is not what goes into man, but what comes from man, out of heart, that which provokes mankind to evil. This is why the word of God is described as being sharper than any two edge sword, piercing asunder even to the bones and marrow and is a discerner of the heart. Clearly why do we, especially those who’re to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, why do we marvel at unrepentant man barbaric ways?
Can The Ethiopian Change His Skin? 03/27/2011
After screening this shipwreck of a video of Pastor Manning I came to realize he was just another man, a failed leader of men loving the sound of his voice, with so many others doing the same. He sat there and talked as though he was amazed at the barbarism this Apostle mind you not only of the black man but of mankind period. Whether it’s done through raping, stealing and killing in our streets, through an internet of evil networking or from a non-piloted rocket launcher in Pakistan the results are the same. Mankind like their father Satan kill, maim and destroy at will as he’s doing his will, this is what the living word of God mean when it declares there isn’t a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sin not. This description most of all include the European man, as every luxury mankind have and covet after in this world and this nation is all geared toward the European man with the minority, come it hell, high water or the wine press of God apt to follow.
-This is the world system that has enslaved the African man, that has mocked, abused and slaughtered him, that has imprisoned and executed him. These are the world of leaders that has kept it’s foot on the black man’s neck to keep him as an underachiever, at slave labor wages, as so is it the same monetary and political system that has done nothing but embezzle, hoodwink, and reduce to rubble the African man. They give him his own network and it’s not fit to watch, they give him this own music and radio stations they’re too violent, vulgar and too degrading to woman, thus it’s not fit to listen too. They’ve done nothing down through the ages but make him this fellow monster yes even Pastor Manning, actually this world and wonder why they carry themselves so monstrous.
-I’ve complained for years how prime time TV is as dominated by white rule today as when it first day viewed , the TV I watch with my grandfather, with my parents and children and even today, 2011, the TV I watch with my grandchildren, Nick Jr., Nickelodeon, Disney is still just as white. I guess what I’m trying to say is very little has black people been presented in a good light and this has been from generations passed until present day and our American society suppose to get something good out of all the wreckage they’ve put in. Do you know how much the face, the color of the face of News anchors have changed since the September 11th attacks, especially on CNN? Entire nations have been uprooted from the earth because of it’s mistreatment of the poor and unfortunate, thus we must realize that Obama being in the Whitehouse, and Islam being in an uproar isn’t for our benefit but our judgment from God demise.
-The blacks in this nation and around the world have been treated with nothing less than barbarism and we’re shocked and amazed when they carry themselves barbaric, you can hear the American dream proclaiming to the world how it has made the black man more prosperous than any other nation. For one, all prosperity comes from God by way of Christ Jesus’ cross, and second so far this prosperity has been nothing but enough rope to hang all of mankind with. So they, those slaughtered with such genius are now the walking dead with a lethal virus of unparalleled revenge that is upon us. Upon us and our children with torture vehicles unthinkable and millions are set to lose not only their lives but their souls, repent ye for the great day of His, God’s wrath is upon us and who besides the repented by the way of Christ’s cross will be able to stand?
Two Nations Apart
-I'll admit there's a stark difference between Japan and America, between the gravely suppressed Asian man and the highly distressed, oppressed black American. This difference can be compared to the popular novels years ago that men are from Venus and women from Mars or vice versa, because it is as though they’re from two different planets. Although we know this isn’t true as they're both from one creation of man, though the similarity and lack thereof is far different than comparing Japanese people to African American people and why. Why is there this stark difference and how much does fear play a part in comparing these two nations apart?
-I mean how many people knew how severely poor this part of New Orleans, how many people knew Haiti was nothing less than a shanty town? Porte Prince Haiti and New Orleans were very popular vacationing spots for a lot of people, why did they go so long in this state of demoralization, way wasn’t something done to protect mental and physical life sooner? You have to remember black people have always felt like the most ill-fortunate and dispose of, that’s little thought of people on the planet despite how successful they’re projected as being; they’re still the Ethiopian man. This is what God mean when he asked through the prophet Jeremiah whether or not an Ethiopian man could change his skin as especially the Negro man would always around the world be little regarded, or as discarded as the European man is regarded.
-Japan is said to be the third richest economy on the map, Katrina victims were what, who? We’re talking about the top of the food chain verses the bottom, like well feed lambs verses little feed Lions with nothing but recklessness to render. The Katrina victims little had homes or anything of true value before the hurricane hit, they were some of the most depressed, most despondent people in this country. Honestly they represent what’s hidden cleverly under the prevailing shirts of most moneyed nations that none are to see, hear or even admit as being actual or factual. This is where no political leader will admit there is a class of people in America defined as poor, or bitterly poor, as far as they’re concern and yes this include president Obama there are no class of people in this country below middle class.
-This is remarkable I know, I don’t know, maybe this is what government has always strived after, but to portray to its people and the world that poverty stricken people don’t exist in the free world is utterly ridiculous and morally irresponsible. Is this an excuse for how they acted or what they done? No, but it is a mightier than us all driving force? Yes, as poverty stricken people are the most ill-treated and mistreated people in this nation, thus are they surmountable bouts of chaos waiting to happen. You factor in this heinous sin nature of all mankind, men who’ve forsaken God, and thus their humanity days without number and then you factor in how gravely they themselves felt abandoned. Seemingly dumped at waiting on an ever sluggish government that had already on a world-wide scale cast them off to fend for themselves. I know for those standing on the outside looking in this wasn’t the case but those lost into this mammoth than America itself disaster it appeared to be a horrible end yet with no end in sight.
-I mean we brag on Pastor Manning having the ability of freedom of speech to express himself but how much freedom do the Japanese people have at expressing themselves, how much control is too much control, how much control is deadly? Even the word of God admonish us to get angry, we’re not to sin in this anger but at least anger is a natural reaction to a people so let down for so long seeming by everything and everybody they trust and believe. How many of us were actually astonished at what happen, this surmountable manner of every man for his or herself? I’ll admit I have neighbors who go out of their way not to be neighborly, as to ask of them or to expect of them to be neighborly is ungodly, I kid you not. Henceforth, the only way I know they exist is by their fancy automobiles that go to and fro about the neighborhood. Frightfully, this is their gospel as long as they’re not the ones in need, all of them wearing I gave at church banners round their stretched with pride necks.
-Aren’t we, Americans like sheep gone astray, who’ve left mankind (the neighbor) to his own way, while God hath laid upon the Christ Lord the iniquity of us all? No doubt this is the hard love, god bless the child who got his own messages they like to spread beyond their religious pulpits, it is all such a trespass of God’s manner of righteousness that it beggars description. By God’s commandment to love we’re suppose to die that our neighbor, even our enemy survive, thus people are what they’re told to be, and especially by religious pulpits what they’re taught to be, reaping atrocious manners of ungodliness sown. This is what Paul mean when he declare God isn’t mocked whatsoever a man sow that shall he reap, how if man shall of the flesh sow corruption, he shall of the flesh reap corruption. As so if he of the spirit sows righteousness he shall of the spirit reap righteousness. You can’t put into man all these scandalous, grotesque even demonic components and receive holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ, I put forward continuously you have not so learned Jesus Christ.
-This is where we hear this antichrist message first of the American dream and now of rapper fifty scent crying aloud, sparing not “get rich or die trying!” Hence the Apostle John went as far as to declare, to remind us how there are only two kind of people on this planet those by Christ’s cross the children of God, as so those by denying Christ’s cross, the children of the Devil. How there is no in between, you honor and obey one or the other, the father of this present world Satan or the Father of the future world, God in Heaven.
-This reminds me, as I logged on this morning to Yahoo the first thing I saw was a photo of Snoop Dog and Nate Dog and something about an inking in of tribute of one to another. Surely, if James Brown, RIP, was the father of soul I guess these two are the Fathers of rap. I was sicken by this, at the thought these ruins are our children’s role models, coupled this with a literal firestorm of Witchcraft/Sorcery like characters unto the Barbie/Ken doll characters they watch on Disney and Nick Jr. it’s nothing less than sowing these off of God’s course spirits and reaping a degenerate offspring.
-According to the word of God our children are born into death, pain and anguish, hence their cursed lives are all over-shadowed by these lying, overly offensive manners of thieves and liars making of the world something it can never be. That It is this constant way of making the young think they can make something of the world other than death and horror that they pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ teaching for doctrine the cunning craftiness of men.
-Of course there is a good that can be made of this curse of death but not by these doctrines of devils, of messy, to over perfect entertainers driving children mad. It’s by the Christ Lord, His crying aloud, sparing not “come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden and I’ll give you rest, take my yoke upon you, because my yoke is easy and my burdens light and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Because if a ten year old can take a rope and make a noose and hang his or herself in their closet, god I just imagined a parent finding their child like this. Then they can acknowledge their sins, ask Jesus pardon and give themselves over to this one blessed hope not only of life but of death, learning of him and serving him forthwith.
Suffer the little children and bring them to me…JCON
A World Apart
-You probably don’t remember but a similar comparison was made in this country between Katrina victims and the half of million people in the south west as of December 2007 who had to be evacuated from their homes because of raging fires. I thought the assessment then was as off track as well, not only these being mostly white middle class to upper class people. Though was it all in hind sight of the Katrina event, thus the comparison was again so unwarranted. The Katrina victims in their situation then, as people living in literal shanty towns at present was again nothing but a disorganized manner of nightmare waiting to happen. It is true a boiling pot can only take so much heat before it boil over violating and fusing out everything in its path. I say the darken mirror we were all duped by, that America is the greatest country in this world, this home sweet home became ever so transparent and unveiled as the expert fraud, this artificial loan it actually is.
-When I further heard this Pastor’s comments, just as much the birthers of these extreme situation of desperate people as governmental leaders I said immediately Japan was blown up while Katrina victims were blown out, out of the financially down in the dumps catastrophe they were. I’ll be completely sincere I don’t think proper comparisons can be made with either events unless these people Asian, Westerners were for years placed in the same, identical degrading state as these Katrina survivors. That demographics, economics, mental and moral states, even hereditary all play a part of how people will respond to disaster. They were about to be invaded, a bringer of death and mayhem was in their midst, I know there are always those who’re going to think the warning doesn’t at all sanction the action. Though is there as well those who are incapable of making necessary steps of vacating targeted areas, this was displayed by all the single mothers and their wayward children all escaping on foot.
-We are a rich nation but at what cause to not only fellow Americas but our fellow man? If then one man is made poor at our wealth isn’t this wealth then a farce? The entire nation is reeling at the constant accusation that President Obama is to make this nation into a socialist nation, I don’t know clearly what that mean, but I told my family how the attacks of September 11th, and the wars to follow was in all essence about Americans refusal to equalize, wealth there is, I don’t know how I knew this, I just knew. Of course what Obama is trying to do is a little too late, Americans of all ethnicity are literally, well to be honest they’re frightening, and I mean when the worse happen, magnetize Katrina panic and overall pandemonium a million times . Of course we’re talking about the worse happening even as we speak as the Red Velvet Protest, meaning bloody protest in Islam is all indicative of the end time falling away (the fall of religious and political assembly) that’s to spread to all borders having no limits, again slaughtering millions.
-The truth is everyone dropped the ball so to speak, no one from the highest point of government to the least was ready for a Katrina disaster and once it happen no one knew how to deal with it, especially already exasperated financially, even ethically victims. Apparently when the worse now happening, there was nothing to prove to them something other than the status quo was in the making. No, the leaders of this nation may as well admit it, American people inspired by a money, powered and thus driven system where even their greatest technology has far surpassed their humanity are less to be humane than human being. How they’re proud of this fact, as though humanity is worthless when prosperity and power is everything, simply it doesn’t pay to be sociable nor civilized.
-I told a friend of my lately, she was in my kitchen, we were talking when I out right told her not to expect churches to be charitable, she looked at me and I looked at her as we both knew what I said was so right on target. This pastor then asked what should we prescribe, you know to change the evil black man from his evil, of course the answer to all mankind who’re found to be in sin is repentance and reconciliation by Christ Jesus cross that’s in their heart, mouth and their knees. I began a work years ago, Preece Ebonee Be’le, in this work I imagined teen agers, seniors as both God and marriage worshippers. Because I imagined them to be this holiness unto the Lord Father in heaven, these book characters turn out to be representatives of the most astonishing manner of righteous young people ever. just as so young people who worship and serve God with all their heart, mind and soul.
-Since I created this work, J. K. Rolling has taken very young teens, crafted them into, sorcerers and witches and spawn forth the greatest series of children books ever, namely Harry Potter. The same can be said for the Twilight series, the taking of teenagers, of high school graduates and formulating them into vampires and werewolves, which is again one of the world’s most popular series between teens and young adults. Then there’s the Chronicles of Nardia C. S. Lewis that is as well filled with magic, witchcraft and sorcery again a very popular children series. I know it all seem innocent but when your children get in trouble, and they will get in trouble, this being a very troublesome world, having not just thousands of instructors but millions.
-Just as so when they get in trouble and their role models are warlocks, sorcerers, witches, vampires and werewolves who are they going to turn to for help? Especially when all of their role models represent the most troublesome, even the most perilous practices of the world at forsaking the supreme God. They are, all of them as gods having eyes but no sight, those gods having ears but they can’t hear, a mouth they have but they can’t speak any saving wisdom. These popular stories and ever popular characters are nothing but Satan’s seat laboring through mankind at bringing these wicked devices to pass with purpose to as usual steal, kill and destroy. These are the seducing devils, the wicked devices having crept into the homes, schools and places of worship by way of various forms of entertainment thought harmless.
-It all being an instrument of satanic intervention and demonic possession it has literally ruin any hope of mankind on this earth, meaning we’ve sown unthinkable manners of ungodliness and have reaped possibly the worse teenagers in the free world and possibly the planet. This is why Jesus threaten to kill those in bed with Jezebel (sexual promiscuity), even their children, because they were destined to be a perverse and crooked beyond description generation. I don’t get this, what does recipe for disaster mean? We think simply because it’s all a manner of practical magic it’s safe, this is like a little, white lie, there is no such thing as it’s all a transgression of the righteousness of God. It is here though it may offend you greatly the Katrina survivors damaged so distortedly at the heart and mind by these doctrines of devils and demons carried themselves more American at portraying what a grotesque, even tumultuous weave of pending anarchy all leaders especially of this nation have weaved.
-Now imagine your child is to have a friend like Jesus? Your sexual promiscuous child, your drug addict, violently angry child, your unsociably, depressed even suicidal child, having no one or nothing to turn to but an ever darken world. Now they’re to have a friend that has promised to never leave them nor forsake, them, it’s true, I was thinking on this earlier when the Holy Spirit remind me. He described to me not only had Jesus promised to never leave us, he actually can’t leave us, it isn’t in his nature to abandon us, this is why he has promise that even if we make our bed in hell he is there. Not that any of us of want to go to hell to prove this holy Lord, though when you or your child worldly friends, mentors, parents, and even grandparents forsake them, this Holy Lord will always be there to hold this child up. This is what that recent dream was about, when I looked up all of sudden and realized I was surrounded by angels, that we, the believers, being the very temple of God we are always surrounded by angels, hence remember from whence thou art fallen, repent and do the first works. JCON.
-This now fame Pastor finally got deep within the cracking, smacking and vibrations of his voice crying what do we prescribe for the evil, wicked black man? He's suppose to be a spiritual leader of mankind, you prescribe for the evil black man, the same as what you prescribe for the evil white man, for unrepentant mankind period. This would be Jesus the Christ of God, the way, truth and life eternal with God, his name is the only name given under heaven whereby mankind can be saved. This supreme Father hath commended his love toward us that while we were yet sinners this Christ Lord died for us. Unendingly, God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life. Thus, that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead, thou shalt be saved, for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
-Pastor Manning is what's wrong with organize Christianity, these failed leaders of men standing in the pulpits sounding good, looking good and smelling good while people by the hundred of thousands are falling dead all around them. Having forsaken sound doctrine and preaching for divine messages the commandments and regulations of men God's people perish. Yes right there in their midst, perish they do from a lack of knowing, a lack of knowing the Holy word, the Holy Spirit and thus the Holy Lord. They, the mast majority of them, they worship God with their mouth but their hearts, their works are no where near this blessed Lord. This is why out of a space, a silence in heaven the year of our Lord 1996 I heard a sorely weeping, sobbing Holy Lord of heaven proclaimed to me his people where dying. That they were being stripped of everything his Christ had brought them, again, how his people were dying, dying and how they were being stripped of everything His Christ has brought them, behold, he soon declared, I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day they were born.
-It’s as though Pastor Manning himself doesn’t know not only is mankind’s history, but his very nature is one of barbarism, of murder and mayhem dating back to the first recorded manslaughter of brother Cain slaying brother Abel. Jesus Christ, God was manifested in the flesh and dwelled among us because man is good? No because mankind is a ruin, he’s a ruin upon this planet, upon nation building and especially upon his fellow man, this ruination is in the very blood of mankind. Ideally change his heart, change his blood, change his blood change his blood lineage, thus is the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God.
-This is why the prophet Ezekiel explain how God is to take the old heart, the heart of flesh (filthiness, corruption) and give unto man a new heart of compassion, This is why God is described as one who judges mankind by his heart, why Jesus exclaimed how it is not what goes into man, but what comes from man, out of heart, that which provokes mankind to evil. This is why the word of God is described as being sharper than any two edge sword, piercing asunder even to the bones and marrow and is a discerner of the heart. Clearly why do we, especially those who’re to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, why do we marvel at unrepentant man barbaric ways?
My people perish and no man laid it to heart, merciful men are being lost as though none consider the righteous are taken out of the evil to come. Isa. 57:1 See also, John 14:6, John 3:16, Acts 4:12, Romans 5:8, Roman 10: 9,10
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM). In order to give to this work, to Apostle Bradford, I can’t tell you how much I need your support, you can now by way of paypal.com send donations by way of email to apostle5808@aol.com thanks and may the supreme truly award you accordingly, Apb, The RAM…
Prophecy Link
A Voice Declaring: Climb Up To The Roof Top, you got four hours, another, more strange matter of getting to the rooftop, of climbing up to safety on the map 03/06/2010
There’s some about a fever, about Tigris Fever, a manner of explosive or pandemic matters on the map beware, take heed 03/03/2010
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah, You Deliver Me
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
-There’s something about women, children and terrorist plots, more covert manner of terrorist attacks on the map 03/27/2010
-Seen to be seeing us in an earthquake, surrounded by earthquake damage, seen to be panic all around...03/04/2011
-Seen To Be Seeing an explosive light, A Voice Declaring Japan, Japan under an explosive light on the map 12/26/2010
-There's something about New York, about New York and a head wound, a violent blow to the head on the map 03/12/2011
-There's something about H1N1, bird flu or outbreaks again on the map 03/12/2011
Why no looting in Japan? Pastor Manning Tells the Whole Truth!
-It’s as though Pastor Manning himself doesn’t know not only is mankind’s history, but his very nature is one of barbarism, of murder and mayhem dating back to the first recorded manslaughter of brother Cain slaying brother Abel. Jesus Christ, God was manifested in the flesh and dwelled among us because man is good? No because mankind is a ruin, he’s a ruin upon this planet, upon nation building and especially upon his fellow man, this ruination is in the very blood of mankind. Ideally change his heart, change his blood, change his blood change his blood lineage, thus is the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God.
-This is why the prophet Ezekiel explain how God is to take the old heart, the heart of flesh (filthiness, corruption) and give unto man a new heart of compassion, This is why God is described as one who judges mankind by his heart, why Jesus exclaimed how it is not what goes into man, but what comes from man, out of heart, that which provokes mankind to evil. This is why the word of God is described as being sharper than any two edge sword, piercing asunder even to the bones and marrow and is a discerner of the heart. Clearly why do we, especially those who’re to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, why do we marvel at unrepentant man barbaric ways?
Can The Ethiopian Change His Skin? 03/27/2011
After screening this shipwreck of a video of Pastor Manning I came to realize he was just another man, a failed leader of men loving the sound of his voice, with so many others doing the same. He sat there and talked as though he was amazed at the barbarism this Apostle mind you not only of the black man but of mankind period. Whether it’s done through raping, stealing and killing in our streets, through an internet of evil networking or from a non-piloted rocket launcher in Pakistan the results are the same. Mankind like their father Satan kill, maim and destroy at will as he’s doing his will, this is what the living word of God mean when it declares there isn’t a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sin not. This description most of all include the European man, as every luxury mankind have and covet after in this world and this nation is all geared toward the European man with the minority, come it hell, high water or the wine press of God apt to follow.
-This is the world system that has enslaved the African man, that has mocked, abused and slaughtered him, that has imprisoned and executed him. These are the world of leaders that has kept it’s foot on the black man’s neck to keep him as an underachiever, at slave labor wages, as so is it the same monetary and political system that has done nothing but embezzle, hoodwink, and reduce to rubble the African man. They give him his own network and it’s not fit to watch, they give him this own music and radio stations they’re too violent, vulgar and too degrading to woman, thus it’s not fit to listen too. They’ve done nothing down through the ages but make him this fellow monster yes even Pastor Manning, actually this world and wonder why they carry themselves so monstrous.
-I’ve complained for years how prime time TV is as dominated by white rule today as when it first day viewed , the TV I watch with my grandfather, with my parents and children and even today, 2011, the TV I watch with my grandchildren, Nick Jr., Nickelodeon, Disney is still just as white. I guess what I’m trying to say is very little has black people been presented in a good light and this has been from generations passed until present day and our American society suppose to get something good out of all the wreckage they’ve put in. Do you know how much the face, the color of the face of News anchors have changed since the September 11th attacks, especially on CNN? Entire nations have been uprooted from the earth because of it’s mistreatment of the poor and unfortunate, thus we must realize that Obama being in the Whitehouse, and Islam being in an uproar isn’t for our benefit but our judgment from God demise.
-The blacks in this nation and around the world have been treated with nothing less than barbarism and we’re shocked and amazed when they carry themselves barbaric, you can hear the American dream proclaiming to the world how it has made the black man more prosperous than any other nation. For one, all prosperity comes from God by way of Christ Jesus’ cross, and second so far this prosperity has been nothing but enough rope to hang all of mankind with. So they, those slaughtered with such genius are now the walking dead with a lethal virus of unparalleled revenge that is upon us. Upon us and our children with torture vehicles unthinkable and millions are set to lose not only their lives but their souls, repent ye for the great day of His, God’s wrath is upon us and who besides the repented by the way of Christ’s cross will be able to stand?
Two Nations Apart
-I'll admit there's a stark difference between Japan and America, between the gravely suppressed Asian man and the highly distressed, oppressed black American. This difference can be compared to the popular novels years ago that men are from Venus and women from Mars or vice versa, because it is as though they’re from two different planets. Although we know this isn’t true as they're both from one creation of man, though the similarity and lack thereof is far different than comparing Japanese people to African American people and why. Why is there this stark difference and how much does fear play a part in comparing these two nations apart?
-I mean how many people knew how severely poor this part of New Orleans, how many people knew Haiti was nothing less than a shanty town? Porte Prince Haiti and New Orleans were very popular vacationing spots for a lot of people, why did they go so long in this state of demoralization, way wasn’t something done to protect mental and physical life sooner? You have to remember black people have always felt like the most ill-fortunate and dispose of, that’s little thought of people on the planet despite how successful they’re projected as being; they’re still the Ethiopian man. This is what God mean when he asked through the prophet Jeremiah whether or not an Ethiopian man could change his skin as especially the Negro man would always around the world be little regarded, or as discarded as the European man is regarded.
-Japan is said to be the third richest economy on the map, Katrina victims were what, who? We’re talking about the top of the food chain verses the bottom, like well feed lambs verses little feed Lions with nothing but recklessness to render. The Katrina victims little had homes or anything of true value before the hurricane hit, they were some of the most depressed, most despondent people in this country. Honestly they represent what’s hidden cleverly under the prevailing shirts of most moneyed nations that none are to see, hear or even admit as being actual or factual. This is where no political leader will admit there is a class of people in America defined as poor, or bitterly poor, as far as they’re concern and yes this include president Obama there are no class of people in this country below middle class.
-This is remarkable I know, I don’t know, maybe this is what government has always strived after, but to portray to its people and the world that poverty stricken people don’t exist in the free world is utterly ridiculous and morally irresponsible. Is this an excuse for how they acted or what they done? No, but it is a mightier than us all driving force? Yes, as poverty stricken people are the most ill-treated and mistreated people in this nation, thus are they surmountable bouts of chaos waiting to happen. You factor in this heinous sin nature of all mankind, men who’ve forsaken God, and thus their humanity days without number and then you factor in how gravely they themselves felt abandoned. Seemingly dumped at waiting on an ever sluggish government that had already on a world-wide scale cast them off to fend for themselves. I know for those standing on the outside looking in this wasn’t the case but those lost into this mammoth than America itself disaster it appeared to be a horrible end yet with no end in sight.
-I mean we brag on Pastor Manning having the ability of freedom of speech to express himself but how much freedom do the Japanese people have at expressing themselves, how much control is too much control, how much control is deadly? Even the word of God admonish us to get angry, we’re not to sin in this anger but at least anger is a natural reaction to a people so let down for so long seeming by everything and everybody they trust and believe. How many of us were actually astonished at what happen, this surmountable manner of every man for his or herself? I’ll admit I have neighbors who go out of their way not to be neighborly, as to ask of them or to expect of them to be neighborly is ungodly, I kid you not. Henceforth, the only way I know they exist is by their fancy automobiles that go to and fro about the neighborhood. Frightfully, this is their gospel as long as they’re not the ones in need, all of them wearing I gave at church banners round their stretched with pride necks.
-Aren’t we, Americans like sheep gone astray, who’ve left mankind (the neighbor) to his own way, while God hath laid upon the Christ Lord the iniquity of us all? No doubt this is the hard love, god bless the child who got his own messages they like to spread beyond their religious pulpits, it is all such a trespass of God’s manner of righteousness that it beggars description. By God’s commandment to love we’re suppose to die that our neighbor, even our enemy survive, thus people are what they’re told to be, and especially by religious pulpits what they’re taught to be, reaping atrocious manners of ungodliness sown. This is what Paul mean when he declare God isn’t mocked whatsoever a man sow that shall he reap, how if man shall of the flesh sow corruption, he shall of the flesh reap corruption. As so if he of the spirit sows righteousness he shall of the spirit reap righteousness. You can’t put into man all these scandalous, grotesque even demonic components and receive holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ, I put forward continuously you have not so learned Jesus Christ.
-This is where we hear this antichrist message first of the American dream and now of rapper fifty scent crying aloud, sparing not “get rich or die trying!” Hence the Apostle John went as far as to declare, to remind us how there are only two kind of people on this planet those by Christ’s cross the children of God, as so those by denying Christ’s cross, the children of the Devil. How there is no in between, you honor and obey one or the other, the father of this present world Satan or the Father of the future world, God in Heaven.
-This reminds me, as I logged on this morning to Yahoo the first thing I saw was a photo of Snoop Dog and Nate Dog and something about an inking in of tribute of one to another. Surely, if James Brown, RIP, was the father of soul I guess these two are the Fathers of rap. I was sicken by this, at the thought these ruins are our children’s role models, coupled this with a literal firestorm of Witchcraft/Sorcery like characters unto the Barbie/Ken doll characters they watch on Disney and Nick Jr. it’s nothing less than sowing these off of God’s course spirits and reaping a degenerate offspring.
-According to the word of God our children are born into death, pain and anguish, hence their cursed lives are all over-shadowed by these lying, overly offensive manners of thieves and liars making of the world something it can never be. That It is this constant way of making the young think they can make something of the world other than death and horror that they pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ teaching for doctrine the cunning craftiness of men.
-Of course there is a good that can be made of this curse of death but not by these doctrines of devils, of messy, to over perfect entertainers driving children mad. It’s by the Christ Lord, His crying aloud, sparing not “come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden and I’ll give you rest, take my yoke upon you, because my yoke is easy and my burdens light and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Because if a ten year old can take a rope and make a noose and hang his or herself in their closet, god I just imagined a parent finding their child like this. Then they can acknowledge their sins, ask Jesus pardon and give themselves over to this one blessed hope not only of life but of death, learning of him and serving him forthwith.
Suffer the little children and bring them to me…JCON
A World Apart
-You probably don’t remember but a similar comparison was made in this country between Katrina victims and the half of million people in the south west as of December 2007 who had to be evacuated from their homes because of raging fires. I thought the assessment then was as off track as well, not only these being mostly white middle class to upper class people. Though was it all in hind sight of the Katrina event, thus the comparison was again so unwarranted. The Katrina victims in their situation then, as people living in literal shanty towns at present was again nothing but a disorganized manner of nightmare waiting to happen. It is true a boiling pot can only take so much heat before it boil over violating and fusing out everything in its path. I say the darken mirror we were all duped by, that America is the greatest country in this world, this home sweet home became ever so transparent and unveiled as the expert fraud, this artificial loan it actually is.
-When I further heard this Pastor’s comments, just as much the birthers of these extreme situation of desperate people as governmental leaders I said immediately Japan was blown up while Katrina victims were blown out, out of the financially down in the dumps catastrophe they were. I’ll be completely sincere I don’t think proper comparisons can be made with either events unless these people Asian, Westerners were for years placed in the same, identical degrading state as these Katrina survivors. That demographics, economics, mental and moral states, even hereditary all play a part of how people will respond to disaster. They were about to be invaded, a bringer of death and mayhem was in their midst, I know there are always those who’re going to think the warning doesn’t at all sanction the action. Though is there as well those who are incapable of making necessary steps of vacating targeted areas, this was displayed by all the single mothers and their wayward children all escaping on foot.
-We are a rich nation but at what cause to not only fellow Americas but our fellow man? If then one man is made poor at our wealth isn’t this wealth then a farce? The entire nation is reeling at the constant accusation that President Obama is to make this nation into a socialist nation, I don’t know clearly what that mean, but I told my family how the attacks of September 11th, and the wars to follow was in all essence about Americans refusal to equalize, wealth there is, I don’t know how I knew this, I just knew. Of course what Obama is trying to do is a little too late, Americans of all ethnicity are literally, well to be honest they’re frightening, and I mean when the worse happen, magnetize Katrina panic and overall pandemonium a million times . Of course we’re talking about the worse happening even as we speak as the Red Velvet Protest, meaning bloody protest in Islam is all indicative of the end time falling away (the fall of religious and political assembly) that’s to spread to all borders having no limits, again slaughtering millions.
-The truth is everyone dropped the ball so to speak, no one from the highest point of government to the least was ready for a Katrina disaster and once it happen no one knew how to deal with it, especially already exasperated financially, even ethically victims. Apparently when the worse now happening, there was nothing to prove to them something other than the status quo was in the making. No, the leaders of this nation may as well admit it, American people inspired by a money, powered and thus driven system where even their greatest technology has far surpassed their humanity are less to be humane than human being. How they’re proud of this fact, as though humanity is worthless when prosperity and power is everything, simply it doesn’t pay to be sociable nor civilized.
-I told a friend of my lately, she was in my kitchen, we were talking when I out right told her not to expect churches to be charitable, she looked at me and I looked at her as we both knew what I said was so right on target. This pastor then asked what should we prescribe, you know to change the evil black man from his evil, of course the answer to all mankind who’re found to be in sin is repentance and reconciliation by Christ Jesus cross that’s in their heart, mouth and their knees. I began a work years ago, Preece Ebonee Be’le, in this work I imagined teen agers, seniors as both God and marriage worshippers. Because I imagined them to be this holiness unto the Lord Father in heaven, these book characters turn out to be representatives of the most astonishing manner of righteous young people ever. just as so young people who worship and serve God with all their heart, mind and soul.
-Since I created this work, J. K. Rolling has taken very young teens, crafted them into, sorcerers and witches and spawn forth the greatest series of children books ever, namely Harry Potter. The same can be said for the Twilight series, the taking of teenagers, of high school graduates and formulating them into vampires and werewolves, which is again one of the world’s most popular series between teens and young adults. Then there’s the Chronicles of Nardia C. S. Lewis that is as well filled with magic, witchcraft and sorcery again a very popular children series. I know it all seem innocent but when your children get in trouble, and they will get in trouble, this being a very troublesome world, having not just thousands of instructors but millions.
-Just as so when they get in trouble and their role models are warlocks, sorcerers, witches, vampires and werewolves who are they going to turn to for help? Especially when all of their role models represent the most troublesome, even the most perilous practices of the world at forsaking the supreme God. They are, all of them as gods having eyes but no sight, those gods having ears but they can’t hear, a mouth they have but they can’t speak any saving wisdom. These popular stories and ever popular characters are nothing but Satan’s seat laboring through mankind at bringing these wicked devices to pass with purpose to as usual steal, kill and destroy. These are the seducing devils, the wicked devices having crept into the homes, schools and places of worship by way of various forms of entertainment thought harmless.
-It all being an instrument of satanic intervention and demonic possession it has literally ruin any hope of mankind on this earth, meaning we’ve sown unthinkable manners of ungodliness and have reaped possibly the worse teenagers in the free world and possibly the planet. This is why Jesus threaten to kill those in bed with Jezebel (sexual promiscuity), even their children, because they were destined to be a perverse and crooked beyond description generation. I don’t get this, what does recipe for disaster mean? We think simply because it’s all a manner of practical magic it’s safe, this is like a little, white lie, there is no such thing as it’s all a transgression of the righteousness of God. It is here though it may offend you greatly the Katrina survivors damaged so distortedly at the heart and mind by these doctrines of devils and demons carried themselves more American at portraying what a grotesque, even tumultuous weave of pending anarchy all leaders especially of this nation have weaved.
-Now imagine your child is to have a friend like Jesus? Your sexual promiscuous child, your drug addict, violently angry child, your unsociably, depressed even suicidal child, having no one or nothing to turn to but an ever darken world. Now they’re to have a friend that has promised to never leave them nor forsake, them, it’s true, I was thinking on this earlier when the Holy Spirit remind me. He described to me not only had Jesus promised to never leave us, he actually can’t leave us, it isn’t in his nature to abandon us, this is why he has promise that even if we make our bed in hell he is there. Not that any of us of want to go to hell to prove this holy Lord, though when you or your child worldly friends, mentors, parents, and even grandparents forsake them, this Holy Lord will always be there to hold this child up. This is what that recent dream was about, when I looked up all of sudden and realized I was surrounded by angels, that we, the believers, being the very temple of God we are always surrounded by angels, hence remember from whence thou art fallen, repent and do the first works. JCON.
-This now fame Pastor finally got deep within the cracking, smacking and vibrations of his voice crying what do we prescribe for the evil, wicked black man? He's suppose to be a spiritual leader of mankind, you prescribe for the evil black man, the same as what you prescribe for the evil white man, for unrepentant mankind period. This would be Jesus the Christ of God, the way, truth and life eternal with God, his name is the only name given under heaven whereby mankind can be saved. This supreme Father hath commended his love toward us that while we were yet sinners this Christ Lord died for us. Unendingly, God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life. Thus, that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead, thou shalt be saved, for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
-Pastor Manning is what's wrong with organize Christianity, these failed leaders of men standing in the pulpits sounding good, looking good and smelling good while people by the hundred of thousands are falling dead all around them. Having forsaken sound doctrine and preaching for divine messages the commandments and regulations of men God's people perish. Yes right there in their midst, perish they do from a lack of knowing, a lack of knowing the Holy word, the Holy Spirit and thus the Holy Lord. They, the mast majority of them, they worship God with their mouth but their hearts, their works are no where near this blessed Lord. This is why out of a space, a silence in heaven the year of our Lord 1996 I heard a sorely weeping, sobbing Holy Lord of heaven proclaimed to me his people where dying. That they were being stripped of everything his Christ had brought them, again, how his people were dying, dying and how they were being stripped of everything His Christ has brought them, behold, he soon declared, I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day they were born.
-It’s as though Pastor Manning himself doesn’t know not only is mankind’s history, but his very nature is one of barbarism, of murder and mayhem dating back to the first recorded manslaughter of brother Cain slaying brother Abel. Jesus Christ, God was manifested in the flesh and dwelled among us because man is good? No because mankind is a ruin, he’s a ruin upon this planet, upon nation building and especially upon his fellow man, this ruination is in the very blood of mankind. Ideally change his heart, change his blood, change his blood change his blood lineage, thus is the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God.
-This is why the prophet Ezekiel explain how God is to take the old heart, the heart of flesh (filthiness, corruption) and give unto man a new heart of compassion, This is why God is described as one who judges mankind by his heart, why Jesus exclaimed how it is not what goes into man, but what comes from man, out of heart, that which provokes mankind to evil. This is why the word of God is described as being sharper than any two edge sword, piercing asunder even to the bones and marrow and is a discerner of the heart. Clearly why do we, especially those who’re to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, why do we marvel at unrepentant man barbaric ways?
My people perish and no man laid it to heart, merciful men are being lost as though none consider the righteous are taken out of the evil to come. Isa. 57:1 See also, John 14:6, John 3:16, Acts 4:12, Romans 5:8, Roman 10: 9,10
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM). In order to give to this work, to Apostle Bradford, I can’t tell you how much I need your support, you can now by way of paypal.com send donations by way of email to apostle5808@aol.com thanks and may the supreme truly award you accordingly, Apb, The RAM…
Prophecy Link
A Voice Declaring: Climb Up To The Roof Top, you got four hours, another, more strange matter of getting to the rooftop, of climbing up to safety on the map 03/06/2010
There’s some about a fever, about Tigris Fever, a manner of explosive or pandemic matters on the map beware, take heed 03/03/2010
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah, You Deliver Me
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Dear Mr. Camping
From A Painting In The Dark, The RAM…
An Explosive Light, Japan
Seen to be seeing us in an earthquake, surrounded by earthquake damage, seen to be panic all around...03/04/2011
Seen To Be Seeing an explosive light, A Voice Declaring Japan, Japan under an explosive light on the map 12/26/2010
-Dear Mr. Camping, I was searching the internet recently, actually CNN when I saw an article about your prediction for May 21st 2011, this is actually my granddaughter Miya birthday, she'll be four years old. When I read this prediction I wasn't at all shocked, though how you've come about this date is truly extraordinary, I was reading in Genesis possibly a year or so ago, this is where I learn the possible significance of the two numbers 17 and 7. You see some years ago, seven, eight years ago I heard a voice speak to me and declare "mark seventeen and seven." As to make note of as though these two figures bore further significance, it wasn't until I was reading this day that I learn how these numbers were in relation to Noah's ark, and the end of the world.
-I guess it worth mentioning how Jesus himself use Noah's earth ending disaster to portray it as an example of the state man and even the mind humankind would be in when their end doeth come. I've been ministering online for the last decade and more, I've been forewarning people unendingly how an end hath come upon the four corners of this nation and the world, how America would most of all suffer in all likeness to Judah of Ezekiel's day, how God is to have sacrifice and not mercy. There isn't hardly a day that goes by in which I don't go online and remind people this is the end, how this is the generation Jesus spoke of, the one that wouldn't pass away until all end time prophecy is fulfilled.
-In the year of our Lord 1988 they showed me the smoke of America's burning, that through dreams and visions they've been showing me her end every since, to be honest there's hardly anything of disaster that’s to happen in this nation or this world whereas I'm not first forewarn, thus I go online to forewarn others. In a dream in December 2001, I believe the Holy Spirits gave a dream which depicted the end of nation building upon which they were given 190 months, that’s 15.10 years to as Daniel's Jerusalem bring an end to sin. Apparently with seven years, that's 84 weeks, of these years belonging to the new world order and the antichrist reign., his only left eight years and ten months to the world of nation building which I, or Holy Spirits predicted through me expired on December 18th 2010.
-On March third 2010 I heard a voice declare "in thirty nine and a half weeks you'll be dead," then moments later I heard an additional voice declare December 18th, surely enough when I calculated thirty-nine and a half weeks from March 3 2010, it fell on December 18th 2010. Since this additional timetable was given to me in weeks, I had only to assume it was the identical one given to me in 2001, but not only so.
-Though I didn’t realize it until much later but if my calculation of December 2001 dream was actual, that 84 weeks belong to the last seven years of this age, then this new time table was right on, this is about how long the nations of the free world had left to the 2001 time table. I'll admit a week or so earlier of this dream I was sitting in front of an episode of American idol, I was sitting there as one grown tired of Jesus long awaited reign when I said out loud, “when is all of this going to end? When it is all going to be final and like territorial spirits talking among themselves I got this date.
-Thus what you’re doing now, of course more wide spread and nation/worldwide was me last year leading up to December 18th 2010 as I knew an end hath come upon America and the world, and well the free world and indeed it did. A nearly four hundred year old winter solstice lunar eclipse has brought with it unprecedented manners of world disasters with Islam looking like the end time fulfillment of the great falling away prophesied by the Apostle Paul. "Six more months," this is what I heard a voice declare further to me December 31st 2010. You ask my spouse and he’ll tell you as far as I’m concern America and the entire free world as of December 18th 2010 is over, and done, get to the alters of repentance and reconciliation that is especially in mankind knees.
-This as far as Holy Spirit is concern mean anything is possible, and we’re talking about disasters which are to make what happen in Japan although unthinkable it’s to appear minuscule according to what’s readily upon us, especially fire from heaven. Henceforth when this same voice added an additional six months in waiting to this time clock this further put this end time date around June 2011, only one month off of your date, I believe it will mark the great gathering of saints.
-Though if either of these dates prove to be actual, this will mean Christ reign will begin seven years from the December date in the year 2017, thus another figure of seventeen and seven. I can only pray you Mr., Minister Camping get this correspondence and reach me just as soon, Apostle P. Bradford of the Rising Above Ministry (RAM), pbradfordm@aol.com, I’m desperate for hearing from you. I have to tell you about Gabriel appearing to me in 2004, and what he indeed forewarn, these are truly unrealizable for the ancient times. Beware, Apb, The RAM…
Prophecy Links
And This Shall Be The End
-Just last night, well this morning, I awaken from a dream whereas in the dream I was sitting in a church, it seem to be a Jimmy Swaggart church when suddenly people became panic. They became panic and started exiting the building, they where exiting the building because of a bomb threat. We're not talking about deadly incidents in the away yonder where people are repeatedly dying in our stead but we're talking about American soil. 05/25/2010
-I looked into dreams whereas cities of America where making it like cities of Iraq. I saw a Wal-Mart in flames. People in total panic, I even saw people taken hostage; my spouse was one of them, as so was there something about bomb threats. This is where I pulled from the sinks where I was washing dishes a long length of hair that was to act as a measuring stick, like the horses bridle mention in Revelation, which is six feet long. 05/22/2010
-I was caught up in visions and dreams this morning, 08/10/2010, I wish I could tell you what I saw and heard but the truth is I don't rightly know. That's correct, like it was routine, or it just wasn't that important, only as I began to wake I heard a voice say and I quote, "and this shall be the end." My Christ Jesus, who's about to be on the earth, you should've seen me trying to do like this re-run or trying to take what I supposedly heard and saw more serious, 'and this shall be the end.'
The Wilderness of Sin
-Just as soon I was driving a brand new, white, trimmed in gold intrepid automobile right through the center of a wilderness. A wilderness of sin mind, you, that’d been shaped and molded into a world metropolis inconceivable, especially the American Dream. It wasn’t long before the door on the driver side open and I stumbled from the car, to the ground, watching my brand new car drive on without me.
-Soon coming to my feet did I realize I was standing in front of an old, worn house, it remind me of the house I grew up in. Then just as soon I was inside the building, inside the building looked a lot like a hospital with nurses dressed in white jackets all about, that’s what I thought it was, a hospital. Soon the workers came upon me and they brought me to a weigh scale, they stood me thereupon and thereupon I weighed some 190 lbs., (I didn’t know this then, but see the length of Jerusalem’s exile under the prophet Ezekiel, which was totaled 190 years).
-Just as soon as they weighed me they begin to carry me out, toward the back door, I remember thinking about my car and how I would leave, how I would get away without my car. As I said they lead me to the back porch, what I saw at the back of this house was nothing like the front, in the front it was December 25th 2001 and America, the free world was bountiful without description. In the back of this house it was more like the year 1801, it could only be described as the western days and there were horses all about, but nothing like the horses we’re at all used, too.
-Not before long they were leading a horse my way, I remember thinking I didn’t know how to ride a horse, it was tall, and it was blonde/ or beige and it was all infested with fleas, (God as my witness at this time I never considered it was a, or the pale horse, see the fourth seal). Just as soon there were other horses, but these horses weren’t real, they were men dressed as horses, they arrived consecutively around to face me or as I or the dispensation of time I represented was to face these various judgments, did I awaken back to this reality at present.
-Thus when I or the book characters refer to the Intrepid dream I’m talking about this astonishing dream, where the nations of the world were weighed and found lacking and given 190 months, that’s fifteen years and ten months passed December 25th 2001 to as Daniel’s people were forewarn, to make an end of sin, that’s realize Jesus as Lord. Though a nearly four hundred year old winter solstice eclipse December 21st 2010 has brought with it unthinkable disasters, this time table of December 18th 2010, was as of December 31st 2010 given an additional six months. Most of what you’re to remember is everything presented in this dream is in comparison to a biblical prophecy given one or more of the early prophets, up to the John the Revelator, there is nothing new here.
-Nothing new as the Heavenly, Holy Spirits are the same today, yesterday and forever, it’s all a reinvention of biblical prophecy that great, insurmountable judgment I’ve been prophesying since the mid eighties, the smoke of America’s burning is now upon us. You may then ask how serious is all this? Well you know in the movies when something cataclysmic happen and people run flocking to their religious centers. Well the Holy Spirit forewarn me to forewarn you in 1998, and yes I said 1998, three years before the September 11th attacks and though it wasn’t for years when I realized it, the Intrepid dream was in the same year as the September 11th attacks. Anyway, He forewarn me mightily, and just as so right now I’m reminded, this warning isn’t unlike Revelation 18:4-8 where we’re forewarn mightily to flee Mystery Babylon, (world religion, nation building).
And This Shall Be The End
A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19
I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: Unredeemed
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
An Explosive Light, Japan
Seen to be seeing us in an earthquake, surrounded by earthquake damage, seen to be panic all around...03/04/2011
Seen To Be Seeing an explosive light, A Voice Declaring Japan, Japan under an explosive light on the map 12/26/2010
-Dear Mr. Camping, I was searching the internet recently, actually CNN when I saw an article about your prediction for May 21st 2011, this is actually my granddaughter Miya birthday, she'll be four years old. When I read this prediction I wasn't at all shocked, though how you've come about this date is truly extraordinary, I was reading in Genesis possibly a year or so ago, this is where I learn the possible significance of the two numbers 17 and 7. You see some years ago, seven, eight years ago I heard a voice speak to me and declare "mark seventeen and seven." As to make note of as though these two figures bore further significance, it wasn't until I was reading this day that I learn how these numbers were in relation to Noah's ark, and the end of the world.
-I guess it worth mentioning how Jesus himself use Noah's earth ending disaster to portray it as an example of the state man and even the mind humankind would be in when their end doeth come. I've been ministering online for the last decade and more, I've been forewarning people unendingly how an end hath come upon the four corners of this nation and the world, how America would most of all suffer in all likeness to Judah of Ezekiel's day, how God is to have sacrifice and not mercy. There isn't hardly a day that goes by in which I don't go online and remind people this is the end, how this is the generation Jesus spoke of, the one that wouldn't pass away until all end time prophecy is fulfilled.
-In the year of our Lord 1988 they showed me the smoke of America's burning, that through dreams and visions they've been showing me her end every since, to be honest there's hardly anything of disaster that’s to happen in this nation or this world whereas I'm not first forewarn, thus I go online to forewarn others. In a dream in December 2001, I believe the Holy Spirits gave a dream which depicted the end of nation building upon which they were given 190 months, that’s 15.10 years to as Daniel's Jerusalem bring an end to sin. Apparently with seven years, that's 84 weeks, of these years belonging to the new world order and the antichrist reign., his only left eight years and ten months to the world of nation building which I, or Holy Spirits predicted through me expired on December 18th 2010.
-On March third 2010 I heard a voice declare "in thirty nine and a half weeks you'll be dead," then moments later I heard an additional voice declare December 18th, surely enough when I calculated thirty-nine and a half weeks from March 3 2010, it fell on December 18th 2010. Since this additional timetable was given to me in weeks, I had only to assume it was the identical one given to me in 2001, but not only so.
-Though I didn’t realize it until much later but if my calculation of December 2001 dream was actual, that 84 weeks belong to the last seven years of this age, then this new time table was right on, this is about how long the nations of the free world had left to the 2001 time table. I'll admit a week or so earlier of this dream I was sitting in front of an episode of American idol, I was sitting there as one grown tired of Jesus long awaited reign when I said out loud, “when is all of this going to end? When it is all going to be final and like territorial spirits talking among themselves I got this date.
-Thus what you’re doing now, of course more wide spread and nation/worldwide was me last year leading up to December 18th 2010 as I knew an end hath come upon America and the world, and well the free world and indeed it did. A nearly four hundred year old winter solstice lunar eclipse has brought with it unprecedented manners of world disasters with Islam looking like the end time fulfillment of the great falling away prophesied by the Apostle Paul. "Six more months," this is what I heard a voice declare further to me December 31st 2010. You ask my spouse and he’ll tell you as far as I’m concern America and the entire free world as of December 18th 2010 is over, and done, get to the alters of repentance and reconciliation that is especially in mankind knees.
-This as far as Holy Spirit is concern mean anything is possible, and we’re talking about disasters which are to make what happen in Japan although unthinkable it’s to appear minuscule according to what’s readily upon us, especially fire from heaven. Henceforth when this same voice added an additional six months in waiting to this time clock this further put this end time date around June 2011, only one month off of your date, I believe it will mark the great gathering of saints.
-Though if either of these dates prove to be actual, this will mean Christ reign will begin seven years from the December date in the year 2017, thus another figure of seventeen and seven. I can only pray you Mr., Minister Camping get this correspondence and reach me just as soon, Apostle P. Bradford of the Rising Above Ministry (RAM), pbradfordm@aol.com, I’m desperate for hearing from you. I have to tell you about Gabriel appearing to me in 2004, and what he indeed forewarn, these are truly unrealizable for the ancient times. Beware, Apb, The RAM…
Prophecy Links
And This Shall Be The End
-Just last night, well this morning, I awaken from a dream whereas in the dream I was sitting in a church, it seem to be a Jimmy Swaggart church when suddenly people became panic. They became panic and started exiting the building, they where exiting the building because of a bomb threat. We're not talking about deadly incidents in the away yonder where people are repeatedly dying in our stead but we're talking about American soil. 05/25/2010
-I looked into dreams whereas cities of America where making it like cities of Iraq. I saw a Wal-Mart in flames. People in total panic, I even saw people taken hostage; my spouse was one of them, as so was there something about bomb threats. This is where I pulled from the sinks where I was washing dishes a long length of hair that was to act as a measuring stick, like the horses bridle mention in Revelation, which is six feet long. 05/22/2010
-I was caught up in visions and dreams this morning, 08/10/2010, I wish I could tell you what I saw and heard but the truth is I don't rightly know. That's correct, like it was routine, or it just wasn't that important, only as I began to wake I heard a voice say and I quote, "and this shall be the end." My Christ Jesus, who's about to be on the earth, you should've seen me trying to do like this re-run or trying to take what I supposedly heard and saw more serious, 'and this shall be the end.'
The Wilderness of Sin
-Just as soon I was driving a brand new, white, trimmed in gold intrepid automobile right through the center of a wilderness. A wilderness of sin mind, you, that’d been shaped and molded into a world metropolis inconceivable, especially the American Dream. It wasn’t long before the door on the driver side open and I stumbled from the car, to the ground, watching my brand new car drive on without me.
-Soon coming to my feet did I realize I was standing in front of an old, worn house, it remind me of the house I grew up in. Then just as soon I was inside the building, inside the building looked a lot like a hospital with nurses dressed in white jackets all about, that’s what I thought it was, a hospital. Soon the workers came upon me and they brought me to a weigh scale, they stood me thereupon and thereupon I weighed some 190 lbs., (I didn’t know this then, but see the length of Jerusalem’s exile under the prophet Ezekiel, which was totaled 190 years).
-Just as soon as they weighed me they begin to carry me out, toward the back door, I remember thinking about my car and how I would leave, how I would get away without my car. As I said they lead me to the back porch, what I saw at the back of this house was nothing like the front, in the front it was December 25th 2001 and America, the free world was bountiful without description. In the back of this house it was more like the year 1801, it could only be described as the western days and there were horses all about, but nothing like the horses we’re at all used, too.
-Not before long they were leading a horse my way, I remember thinking I didn’t know how to ride a horse, it was tall, and it was blonde/ or beige and it was all infested with fleas, (God as my witness at this time I never considered it was a, or the pale horse, see the fourth seal). Just as soon there were other horses, but these horses weren’t real, they were men dressed as horses, they arrived consecutively around to face me or as I or the dispensation of time I represented was to face these various judgments, did I awaken back to this reality at present.
-Thus when I or the book characters refer to the Intrepid dream I’m talking about this astonishing dream, where the nations of the world were weighed and found lacking and given 190 months, that’s fifteen years and ten months passed December 25th 2001 to as Daniel’s people were forewarn, to make an end of sin, that’s realize Jesus as Lord. Though a nearly four hundred year old winter solstice eclipse December 21st 2010 has brought with it unthinkable disasters, this time table of December 18th 2010, was as of December 31st 2010 given an additional six months. Most of what you’re to remember is everything presented in this dream is in comparison to a biblical prophecy given one or more of the early prophets, up to the John the Revelator, there is nothing new here.
-Nothing new as the Heavenly, Holy Spirits are the same today, yesterday and forever, it’s all a reinvention of biblical prophecy that great, insurmountable judgment I’ve been prophesying since the mid eighties, the smoke of America’s burning is now upon us. You may then ask how serious is all this? Well you know in the movies when something cataclysmic happen and people run flocking to their religious centers. Well the Holy Spirit forewarn me to forewarn you in 1998, and yes I said 1998, three years before the September 11th attacks and though it wasn’t for years when I realized it, the Intrepid dream was in the same year as the September 11th attacks. Anyway, He forewarn me mightily, and just as so right now I’m reminded, this warning isn’t unlike Revelation 18:4-8 where we’re forewarn mightily to flee Mystery Babylon, (world religion, nation building).
And This Shall Be The End
A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19
I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: Unredeemed
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Monday, February 21, 2011
Dear Mr. Jackson
When I called the Creative Artist Agency with attempts to speak to Mr. Emmerich directly, after they urged me, I told them my claim only to have them hang up in my face…I’m Patricia Ann Bradford of The Rising Above Ministry (RAM), I’m the one who actually wrote the story behind the 2009, 2012 movie. I can be reached at my Memphis home at 901-382-4184, I’m waiting to hear from you guys, I haven’t as yet shared this letter online like I did with Kevin Trudeau of 2007 but I will. I will not let this go, if you guys are willing to steal my work, then you should be willing to deal with me directly….
Prophecy Links
-There’s something about a harvest of fruits and vegetables, about spiders, about super spiders, even super bugs, unthinkable forms of insects, of outbreaks on the map 01/17/2011 -There’s something about Jennifer Hudson, and owing her 69 dollars, my 69th prophecy link is about massive flooding, massive flooding again on the map 01/03/2011 -Seen to be standing in my basement, seen to be standing in chest high flood waters, massive forms of flooding, of lost of life mightily on the map 12/28/2010
Dear Mr. Curtis 01/07/2011
Just as I’m writing you, I’ve written Mr. Emmerich, Mr. Kloser and even Mr. Kevin Trudeau, I will explain my writing Mr. Trudeau first of all. I came to know and respect Mr. Trudeau after purchasing and reading his natural cures book, I found the work truly amazing and shocking. In the beginning I was impressed, then emotional, and soon I was angry, I was angry that all these horrible trespasses were being committed against God’s people, all again for the love of money. Just as so inconceivable infringements that were becoming God’s people not only untold misery but death; many people were dying because they believed in a system they thought cared more about them than making of them merchandise.
Clearly in the work, as so through it I came to realize or believe that Kevin Trudeau unveiling these remarkable manners of truth, how he too like me had this affinity for God and thus God’s people. By this time I’d written three books of my own, I feel I don’t have to tell you the work had not been published, and here, here was my chance. That perhaps Mr. Trudeau being as accomplished as he was, as well known and liked, just as so loving God and his people who better to help me, right? Thus, as I’ve sat this morning to write you, I wrote him. In lengthy details I told him about the story line behind my work Beast of Beauty Featuring one Preece Ebonee Be’le, the second installment of the Beast of Beauty series.
It was a tall tale about young God and marriage worshippers yes, but it was also a story about the end, about the end of America and the world, especially the free world as mankind had for hundreds of years known it. Like I explained to him, when I first went into this work this wasn’t what I had in mind, being the late eighties to the early nineties I knew nothing about the Mayan prophecy or the 2012 date. I began writing Beast of Beauty with the overall purpose that people are to understand God’s manner of love, of then friendship, courtship and marriage. It wasn’t long that I decided this, the work took upon itself a Holy Spirit and prophetic imagination all its own. So much so Mr. Jackson, so much of what I pretended in the work has come to past, even the fact an African born male would one day be the greatest leader not only of America but the world.
I only learn recently that the descendant of the book characters of the first book, are in all reality the graduating class of 2012, they being born in 1995/1996. This Mr. Jackson you must realize most of all or nothing I share here will be astounding, that only a few months ago did I realized my book character Preece Ebonee Be’le and his graduation class where I unknowingly brought an end to this nation and eventually this world are again the class of 2012. This never fazed me before because one, at the time I didn’t know any significance concerning this date, and two, the work was most of all designed around prophetic dreams and visions given me, as so biblical prophecy. Thus finding a fellow brother in the things of God, Henceforth I wrote Mr. Trudeau, just as I said I explained this story in stark details, I told of nation-wide and world disasters, I told of worldwide refugees. Did I as well, explain how Mega ships on water would be this nation, and this world only escape, and that the only place to escape to would be what I’d labored, the African Juttah, clearly the continent of Africa, the cradle of mankind, beginning with New Ethiopia Africa.
The reason I named it New Ethiopia would be because by this time God would have through global warming and a twenty year extension of grace granted the young worshippers. Just as so HE would have decimated the rest of the world, while in turn making Africa into an Eden paradise. A delightsome land whereas Preece Ebonee and the other young God and marriage worshippers would be the single heir therein. I will continue to say how in the beginning Mr. Jackson, this wasn’t what’d I’d planned, I’d planned a love story that would help people mend such error in love affairs and marriages. That now that I was nearly finished with the first book, Beast of Beauty, I would now contemplate a second book. A book whereas I would continue this story by the descendant of the first book characters. I felt really challenged, being only the late eighties unto the early nineties, the book would be futuristic. It would be about young virgin teens, again a sure trial as they would depict young virgin teens Mr. Jackson who by Jesus Christ’s cross worshipped God and herein marriage in ways only imagined by many.
Innocently since the first book characters had been virtually white or centered on white characters. Of course now the second book would be black, I’m talking an African born and bred black heir to New Africa Ethiopia, exchange student, Preece Ebonee Be’le. Little did I realize imagining this work, for this Holy Spirit purpose, it would be as though each character would sit down aside me and as I write, tell me his or her story. As I said before the work continued to wander into this mysterious land of faith and prophecy, soon through this teenage African heir would young believers no longer forego a future in America but unto the African Juttah. Unto the Septennial (the great gathering of saints, and marriage supper of the Lamb) to follow, everything in ways quite astronomical was about to change, a severely judged world would exodus to lands awaiting the Supreme God, and Christ’s Jesus reign, who would believe this too wonderful for proper narrative, report?
Just as I wrote Mr. Trudeau in 2007, his publishing company wrote me back, I must at this point make it clear, though I’m certain this isn’t news to either of you. The storyline behind your, Mr. Jackson, as so Mr. Kloser and Mr. Emmerich 2009 2012 movie, originated here, not only the Rising Above Ministry (Ram) sharing this story-line with hundreds, even thousands online, but through a detailed parchment I shared with Mr. Trudeau as of 2007. Of course they wrote me back, they laid it all on pretty thick, told me all the things ever in this world I wanted to hear, see and believe. That any person would want to see and or believe, so much so I thought it all a miracle from God, that I (this divine work) was finally on its way. Little did I realize what was happening had the equivalent value of Satan leading Jesus to that high pinnacle at showing to him all in the world he’s to have as long as he denounce God, that’s bow down and worship him, Satan instead.
Yeah, I was eventually told how Jesus Christ and the gospel thereof, therein was nothing but a myth, that in order to be as prosperous as any imaging I had to denounce Jesus Christ. I in all essence had to pull him off, even out, of my heart that is, how it was unwise to believe him, or trust in him, I was of course devastated. Clearly by this time Jesus was, is and for all eternity, He was ALL in the world to me, and I’d foolishly presented a Holy God, Christ and Spirit filled work to a group of atheist, occultist, even anti-Christ, again I was flabbergasted. Though of course all wasn’t lost, Jesus Christ is mankind’s blessed hope, especially unto those who believe and live according to this belief, Holy and acceptable unto God, (Christ’s bloody cross). This is why Mr. Curtis the living word describes how one day every knee shall bow, as so will every mouth confess, how Jesus is indeed Lord. I counted it all joy, it all made sense; it’s why the living word warn us any friend of the world is an enemy of God.
Don’t get me wrong, I held no ill feelings toward Mr. Trudeau, though we’re forewarn not to use freedom as an occasion (excuse ) to sin, Jesus Christ died that we’re to have freedom of choice. I went on to purchase other books by him, I just knew he being the one to help catapult this amazing story-line of mine, it being as Holy Spirit, as divine and prophetic as pretend was out of the question. Of course I’m sure my refusal is why character Oliver Platt had such an animosity against the things of God, even a bitter disdain. Neither of you can deny it, it was very apparent, as so was it apparent how it wasn’t the believers escaping, but the elitist, the atheist. Of course the rich and famous being the primary ones to escape disaster would all be factual if there was no God, no Jesus Christ blood sacrifice. As so no coming Kingdom of God, though since the word, prophecies of God haven’t as yet return unto HIM void, as my Lord Jesus the Christ, I too declare, repent ye, for God’s Kingdom is surely come.
I would go on in this story line and divert from the worlds cruise ships as this escape, instead because of what’s waiting behind the seven trumpets, asteroids, meteors and meteors showers, I would design thirty six Mega ship with transforming ability. They would be able to transform from Cruise ships, to being a little better than Arks, to being amphibious. You’re to remember Mr. Curtis the fascinating work was as fictional, as it was all based on biblical prophecy and present-day prophecies given me down through the years, this extraordinary what if? If you will, what if God granted young worshippers a twenty year extension of grace, what if he took global warming and transformed Africa into a present day Eden paradise? What if knowing great judgment had to come upon America, upon the world, knowing then a national and world exodus was inevitable. What if this supreme creator placed into the mind and heart of the Sia (assembler) Juttah, to draft a plan to one day move millions of especially believers from all over the world across ocean blue by Holy Spirit designed Mega, even Cruise/Amphibious ships on water.
The reason I even in the nineties imagined an exodus out of America, something Hollywood would never contemplate was because I’d been given a dream whereas because of major disasters affecting her I witness a massive exodus out of this nation. Indisputably Mr. Curtis this was at a time when no one for a thousand years would imagined an exodus out of America, everyone was trying to get into America, not out, of course I’ve since had many other such dreams and visions, America, the free-world will exodus. A matter of fact both of Mr. Emmerich’s exodus out of this nation were based on work I’ve placed online for the last decade or more through especially AOL Blogs. Twelve of these mega ships designed by the African/ Sia Juttah would be named for the twelve tribes of Israel. As so twelve for the Apostles of Jesus Christ, thus is there twelve named for the twelve gates surrounding God’s Throne.
Doing an anticipated catastrophe for America and the free world by Juttah Sia Preece Ebonee, and Sia Maasieah Adonai these inconceivable ships would all start arriving on all shores around the nation and world just as all hell begin to break out. This indescribable rescue would target believers most of all, but it wouldn’t leave unbelievers in peril as African island nations like Madagascar and Seychelles and others such the like safe-havens await unbelievers. I know my not accepting their offer to make me prosperous only if I denounced my belief in Jesus Christ was like this slap in the face of celebrity life. Though to take this work, this amazing, imaginative work and pretend it’s yours, even there’s, that Apostle Bradford of the Rising Above Ministry creating the work first, I mean every bit of it, not only didn’t exist. Though does she deserved nothing but to be completely denied, her faith mocked, that since the movie day viewed you guys act as though I don’t exist, how heinous is this?
You’re a writer, suppose they’d used what you call your work without first inquiring your permission, what would you do, how would you do it? I mean does the fact the ministry and I are financially impaired give them the overall right to steal this work? God Himself, forbid. I’d told myself to let this all go, how there was no way I could prove the 2012 story line originated here, that these were powerful people with powerful money. How since my original claim they’ve taken great steps to disappear from the internet any proof this work is mine, any evidence dating back before 2008. That is everything but the original letter I wrote to Trudeau and shared with AOL readers accordingly, and no, I’m not exaggerating. There was a time I could Google the work, or do an AOL search and have proof I created the work, a work online dating back to the mid nineties, as so originally to the mid eighties, and now since I’ve been writing Emmerich, Kloser and Trudeau, all that has changed, the proof I mean.
Yes Mr.Curtis, whether you know or not you are a part of a genius cover up, of a shrewd conspiracy to discredit the original architect of a blockbuster work I read grossed some 700 million dollars worldwide. Heretofore, I’m not writing you concerning something I don’t deserve, but what I deserve above all of you. You took the work, you made a screenplay and went on to make a Block-Bluster movie, but the worldwide exodus, the mega ships on water, nor the African continent being this unthinkable safe haven, none of it would’ve existed. No, the very things making this end of the world scenario a class above all gone before it wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for this Apostle work, Preece Ebonee Be’le. As I said before, I’d decided to give it all up, to let Emmerich again get rich and famous off of my story-line and just as soon as yesterday I said no, beside God and myself, you Mr.Curtis, as so does Mr. Emmerich, Kloser and most of all Mr. Trudeau know from whence this story-line originated.
I guess you can say the main reason I changed my mind about pursuing this claim further is because I want to retire my spouse, I want to retire him so he and I can go full time into the ministry of Jesus Christ. You took a Holy work and did something distrusting, you stole it and made it yours, while I the fourth creator of this work, behind God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, deserve to be compensated, and thus deserve to do with that compensation what I see fit, will you help me, can you help me? I’ll admit the first couple of times I viewed the 2012 movie I felt somewhat encouraged that the most creative portion of my work, this inconceivable worldwide exodus by Mega Ships on water was now on the big screen. Of course it wasn’t long before I realized this only meant this credit of genius was being granted where it hadn’t at all been earned. Regretfully, not only wasn’t the Supreme given any respect, or honor, but again did Oliver Platt's character make mockery of church, prayer and worship all the more.
Honestly, whenever I was this generous with my amazing work I always told myself the African Juttah, Juttah meaning extension. This as the African Juttah is portrayed as a twenty year extension of the Amazing Grace of God. I always told myself how since it was so intensely Holy Spirit and so remarkably spiritual and prophetic no one could actually copy it, but I never considered having it picked apart of various gems stones by The Literary Pirates of America. Hence this too Mr. Curtis like other letters I’ve written, this is an attempt to collect a debt, as you’ve stolen from me in ways quite cunning, I hereby seek what is owed The Rising Above Ministry (RAM) and myself, both a literary and financial credit. I will look to hearing from you or your lawyers, Patricia Ann Bradford, 901-382-4184, please call me just as soon. The Rising Above Ministry, (RAM) © Copyright 2010-2011 By: THE R.AM, All RIGHTS RESERVED.
Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man will open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me: Revelation, Jesus Christ of Nazareth (JCON).
Prophecy Links
-There's something about Jeremiah 37:8, the forewarning scripture of Jeremiah 37:8, the insurgence stronghold is again on the map...1998, 2004, 2010...
-There's something about an invasion, one on American soil, about all preparing for war, for battle, a dangerous fall of peace and safety continuously on the map 06/20/2005, 07/12/2006, 08/15/2007, 10/03/2008, 10/12/2008, 01/09/2010
-Seen to be seeing readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives stampeding people on the map. Seen to be seeing those left behind getting a sharp, painful, very large syringe to the chest, the heart, ending up nothing but a brown paper Mache on the refrigerator, beware 1995, 2003, 2005, 2007, 03/27/2009
Hurry Lord God Prince Of Peace and get us all the victory
A Ministry Above
Prophecy Links
-There’s something about a harvest of fruits and vegetables, about spiders, about super spiders, even super bugs, unthinkable forms of insects, of outbreaks on the map 01/17/2011 -There’s something about Jennifer Hudson, and owing her 69 dollars, my 69th prophecy link is about massive flooding, massive flooding again on the map 01/03/2011 -Seen to be standing in my basement, seen to be standing in chest high flood waters, massive forms of flooding, of lost of life mightily on the map 12/28/2010
Dear Mr. Curtis 01/07/2011
Just as I’m writing you, I’ve written Mr. Emmerich, Mr. Kloser and even Mr. Kevin Trudeau, I will explain my writing Mr. Trudeau first of all. I came to know and respect Mr. Trudeau after purchasing and reading his natural cures book, I found the work truly amazing and shocking. In the beginning I was impressed, then emotional, and soon I was angry, I was angry that all these horrible trespasses were being committed against God’s people, all again for the love of money. Just as so inconceivable infringements that were becoming God’s people not only untold misery but death; many people were dying because they believed in a system they thought cared more about them than making of them merchandise.
Clearly in the work, as so through it I came to realize or believe that Kevin Trudeau unveiling these remarkable manners of truth, how he too like me had this affinity for God and thus God’s people. By this time I’d written three books of my own, I feel I don’t have to tell you the work had not been published, and here, here was my chance. That perhaps Mr. Trudeau being as accomplished as he was, as well known and liked, just as so loving God and his people who better to help me, right? Thus, as I’ve sat this morning to write you, I wrote him. In lengthy details I told him about the story line behind my work Beast of Beauty Featuring one Preece Ebonee Be’le, the second installment of the Beast of Beauty series.
It was a tall tale about young God and marriage worshippers yes, but it was also a story about the end, about the end of America and the world, especially the free world as mankind had for hundreds of years known it. Like I explained to him, when I first went into this work this wasn’t what I had in mind, being the late eighties to the early nineties I knew nothing about the Mayan prophecy or the 2012 date. I began writing Beast of Beauty with the overall purpose that people are to understand God’s manner of love, of then friendship, courtship and marriage. It wasn’t long that I decided this, the work took upon itself a Holy Spirit and prophetic imagination all its own. So much so Mr. Jackson, so much of what I pretended in the work has come to past, even the fact an African born male would one day be the greatest leader not only of America but the world.
I only learn recently that the descendant of the book characters of the first book, are in all reality the graduating class of 2012, they being born in 1995/1996. This Mr. Jackson you must realize most of all or nothing I share here will be astounding, that only a few months ago did I realized my book character Preece Ebonee Be’le and his graduation class where I unknowingly brought an end to this nation and eventually this world are again the class of 2012. This never fazed me before because one, at the time I didn’t know any significance concerning this date, and two, the work was most of all designed around prophetic dreams and visions given me, as so biblical prophecy. Thus finding a fellow brother in the things of God, Henceforth I wrote Mr. Trudeau, just as I said I explained this story in stark details, I told of nation-wide and world disasters, I told of worldwide refugees. Did I as well, explain how Mega ships on water would be this nation, and this world only escape, and that the only place to escape to would be what I’d labored, the African Juttah, clearly the continent of Africa, the cradle of mankind, beginning with New Ethiopia Africa.
The reason I named it New Ethiopia would be because by this time God would have through global warming and a twenty year extension of grace granted the young worshippers. Just as so HE would have decimated the rest of the world, while in turn making Africa into an Eden paradise. A delightsome land whereas Preece Ebonee and the other young God and marriage worshippers would be the single heir therein. I will continue to say how in the beginning Mr. Jackson, this wasn’t what’d I’d planned, I’d planned a love story that would help people mend such error in love affairs and marriages. That now that I was nearly finished with the first book, Beast of Beauty, I would now contemplate a second book. A book whereas I would continue this story by the descendant of the first book characters. I felt really challenged, being only the late eighties unto the early nineties, the book would be futuristic. It would be about young virgin teens, again a sure trial as they would depict young virgin teens Mr. Jackson who by Jesus Christ’s cross worshipped God and herein marriage in ways only imagined by many.
Innocently since the first book characters had been virtually white or centered on white characters. Of course now the second book would be black, I’m talking an African born and bred black heir to New Africa Ethiopia, exchange student, Preece Ebonee Be’le. Little did I realize imagining this work, for this Holy Spirit purpose, it would be as though each character would sit down aside me and as I write, tell me his or her story. As I said before the work continued to wander into this mysterious land of faith and prophecy, soon through this teenage African heir would young believers no longer forego a future in America but unto the African Juttah. Unto the Septennial (the great gathering of saints, and marriage supper of the Lamb) to follow, everything in ways quite astronomical was about to change, a severely judged world would exodus to lands awaiting the Supreme God, and Christ’s Jesus reign, who would believe this too wonderful for proper narrative, report?
Just as I wrote Mr. Trudeau in 2007, his publishing company wrote me back, I must at this point make it clear, though I’m certain this isn’t news to either of you. The storyline behind your, Mr. Jackson, as so Mr. Kloser and Mr. Emmerich 2009 2012 movie, originated here, not only the Rising Above Ministry (Ram) sharing this story-line with hundreds, even thousands online, but through a detailed parchment I shared with Mr. Trudeau as of 2007. Of course they wrote me back, they laid it all on pretty thick, told me all the things ever in this world I wanted to hear, see and believe. That any person would want to see and or believe, so much so I thought it all a miracle from God, that I (this divine work) was finally on its way. Little did I realize what was happening had the equivalent value of Satan leading Jesus to that high pinnacle at showing to him all in the world he’s to have as long as he denounce God, that’s bow down and worship him, Satan instead.
Yeah, I was eventually told how Jesus Christ and the gospel thereof, therein was nothing but a myth, that in order to be as prosperous as any imaging I had to denounce Jesus Christ. I in all essence had to pull him off, even out, of my heart that is, how it was unwise to believe him, or trust in him, I was of course devastated. Clearly by this time Jesus was, is and for all eternity, He was ALL in the world to me, and I’d foolishly presented a Holy God, Christ and Spirit filled work to a group of atheist, occultist, even anti-Christ, again I was flabbergasted. Though of course all wasn’t lost, Jesus Christ is mankind’s blessed hope, especially unto those who believe and live according to this belief, Holy and acceptable unto God, (Christ’s bloody cross). This is why Mr. Curtis the living word describes how one day every knee shall bow, as so will every mouth confess, how Jesus is indeed Lord. I counted it all joy, it all made sense; it’s why the living word warn us any friend of the world is an enemy of God.
Don’t get me wrong, I held no ill feelings toward Mr. Trudeau, though we’re forewarn not to use freedom as an occasion (excuse ) to sin, Jesus Christ died that we’re to have freedom of choice. I went on to purchase other books by him, I just knew he being the one to help catapult this amazing story-line of mine, it being as Holy Spirit, as divine and prophetic as pretend was out of the question. Of course I’m sure my refusal is why character Oliver Platt had such an animosity against the things of God, even a bitter disdain. Neither of you can deny it, it was very apparent, as so was it apparent how it wasn’t the believers escaping, but the elitist, the atheist. Of course the rich and famous being the primary ones to escape disaster would all be factual if there was no God, no Jesus Christ blood sacrifice. As so no coming Kingdom of God, though since the word, prophecies of God haven’t as yet return unto HIM void, as my Lord Jesus the Christ, I too declare, repent ye, for God’s Kingdom is surely come.
I would go on in this story line and divert from the worlds cruise ships as this escape, instead because of what’s waiting behind the seven trumpets, asteroids, meteors and meteors showers, I would design thirty six Mega ship with transforming ability. They would be able to transform from Cruise ships, to being a little better than Arks, to being amphibious. You’re to remember Mr. Curtis the fascinating work was as fictional, as it was all based on biblical prophecy and present-day prophecies given me down through the years, this extraordinary what if? If you will, what if God granted young worshippers a twenty year extension of grace, what if he took global warming and transformed Africa into a present day Eden paradise? What if knowing great judgment had to come upon America, upon the world, knowing then a national and world exodus was inevitable. What if this supreme creator placed into the mind and heart of the Sia (assembler) Juttah, to draft a plan to one day move millions of especially believers from all over the world across ocean blue by Holy Spirit designed Mega, even Cruise/Amphibious ships on water.
The reason I even in the nineties imagined an exodus out of America, something Hollywood would never contemplate was because I’d been given a dream whereas because of major disasters affecting her I witness a massive exodus out of this nation. Indisputably Mr. Curtis this was at a time when no one for a thousand years would imagined an exodus out of America, everyone was trying to get into America, not out, of course I’ve since had many other such dreams and visions, America, the free-world will exodus. A matter of fact both of Mr. Emmerich’s exodus out of this nation were based on work I’ve placed online for the last decade or more through especially AOL Blogs. Twelve of these mega ships designed by the African/ Sia Juttah would be named for the twelve tribes of Israel. As so twelve for the Apostles of Jesus Christ, thus is there twelve named for the twelve gates surrounding God’s Throne.
Doing an anticipated catastrophe for America and the free world by Juttah Sia Preece Ebonee, and Sia Maasieah Adonai these inconceivable ships would all start arriving on all shores around the nation and world just as all hell begin to break out. This indescribable rescue would target believers most of all, but it wouldn’t leave unbelievers in peril as African island nations like Madagascar and Seychelles and others such the like safe-havens await unbelievers. I know my not accepting their offer to make me prosperous only if I denounced my belief in Jesus Christ was like this slap in the face of celebrity life. Though to take this work, this amazing, imaginative work and pretend it’s yours, even there’s, that Apostle Bradford of the Rising Above Ministry creating the work first, I mean every bit of it, not only didn’t exist. Though does she deserved nothing but to be completely denied, her faith mocked, that since the movie day viewed you guys act as though I don’t exist, how heinous is this?
You’re a writer, suppose they’d used what you call your work without first inquiring your permission, what would you do, how would you do it? I mean does the fact the ministry and I are financially impaired give them the overall right to steal this work? God Himself, forbid. I’d told myself to let this all go, how there was no way I could prove the 2012 story line originated here, that these were powerful people with powerful money. How since my original claim they’ve taken great steps to disappear from the internet any proof this work is mine, any evidence dating back before 2008. That is everything but the original letter I wrote to Trudeau and shared with AOL readers accordingly, and no, I’m not exaggerating. There was a time I could Google the work, or do an AOL search and have proof I created the work, a work online dating back to the mid nineties, as so originally to the mid eighties, and now since I’ve been writing Emmerich, Kloser and Trudeau, all that has changed, the proof I mean.
Yes Mr.Curtis, whether you know or not you are a part of a genius cover up, of a shrewd conspiracy to discredit the original architect of a blockbuster work I read grossed some 700 million dollars worldwide. Heretofore, I’m not writing you concerning something I don’t deserve, but what I deserve above all of you. You took the work, you made a screenplay and went on to make a Block-Bluster movie, but the worldwide exodus, the mega ships on water, nor the African continent being this unthinkable safe haven, none of it would’ve existed. No, the very things making this end of the world scenario a class above all gone before it wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for this Apostle work, Preece Ebonee Be’le. As I said before, I’d decided to give it all up, to let Emmerich again get rich and famous off of my story-line and just as soon as yesterday I said no, beside God and myself, you Mr.Curtis, as so does Mr. Emmerich, Kloser and most of all Mr. Trudeau know from whence this story-line originated.
I guess you can say the main reason I changed my mind about pursuing this claim further is because I want to retire my spouse, I want to retire him so he and I can go full time into the ministry of Jesus Christ. You took a Holy work and did something distrusting, you stole it and made it yours, while I the fourth creator of this work, behind God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, deserve to be compensated, and thus deserve to do with that compensation what I see fit, will you help me, can you help me? I’ll admit the first couple of times I viewed the 2012 movie I felt somewhat encouraged that the most creative portion of my work, this inconceivable worldwide exodus by Mega Ships on water was now on the big screen. Of course it wasn’t long before I realized this only meant this credit of genius was being granted where it hadn’t at all been earned. Regretfully, not only wasn’t the Supreme given any respect, or honor, but again did Oliver Platt's character make mockery of church, prayer and worship all the more.
Honestly, whenever I was this generous with my amazing work I always told myself the African Juttah, Juttah meaning extension. This as the African Juttah is portrayed as a twenty year extension of the Amazing Grace of God. I always told myself how since it was so intensely Holy Spirit and so remarkably spiritual and prophetic no one could actually copy it, but I never considered having it picked apart of various gems stones by The Literary Pirates of America. Hence this too Mr. Curtis like other letters I’ve written, this is an attempt to collect a debt, as you’ve stolen from me in ways quite cunning, I hereby seek what is owed The Rising Above Ministry (RAM) and myself, both a literary and financial credit. I will look to hearing from you or your lawyers, Patricia Ann Bradford, 901-382-4184, please call me just as soon. The Rising Above Ministry, (RAM) © Copyright 2010-2011 By: THE R.AM, All RIGHTS RESERVED.
Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man will open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me: Revelation, Jesus Christ of Nazareth (JCON).
Prophecy Links
-There's something about Jeremiah 37:8, the forewarning scripture of Jeremiah 37:8, the insurgence stronghold is again on the map...1998, 2004, 2010...
-There's something about an invasion, one on American soil, about all preparing for war, for battle, a dangerous fall of peace and safety continuously on the map 06/20/2005, 07/12/2006, 08/15/2007, 10/03/2008, 10/12/2008, 01/09/2010
-Seen to be seeing readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives stampeding people on the map. Seen to be seeing those left behind getting a sharp, painful, very large syringe to the chest, the heart, ending up nothing but a brown paper Mache on the refrigerator, beware 1995, 2003, 2005, 2007, 03/27/2009
Hurry Lord God Prince Of Peace and get us all the victory
A Ministry Above
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Dear President Obama
The Paradise Of God
-Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a dress rehearsal for the rapture of the church 01/06/2004, my 200,259, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link
-Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a trial run for the rapture of the church 01/08/2004, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link
-Seen to seeing a cloud fat and bursting through with the first resurrection saints shooting into the heavens like rockets at meeting the Lord Christ in the heavens 02/14/2004
-Seen to be in heaven, seen to be seeing a trial run for the second coming of Jesus Christ to the battle of Armageddon 01/08/2004 (Zech. 14: 1-8, Rev. 16;12-15, 19:11-21my 200,275 prophecy link.
-Seen to be seeing the Seventh angel, the Archangel Gabriel, they both seen to be declaring: “The fulfillment of all things is upon mankind” 05/15/2004, see Rev. 10: 7-11, 11:15-19) my 200,660 prophecy link
-There’s something about the rapture of the church, some by grace, others by the winepress (wrath) of God 06/12/2004, (see Rev. 14:13- 20) my 200,749 prophecy link
From A Painting In The Dark 11/04/2010
The Revelation Center
The Communicator
Who Hath Sinned?
By: Apostle/Prophet P. A. Bradford
-And there was given me a reed like unto a rod; and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the alter and them that worship therein...But the court that is without the temple leave out and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles; and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months (three and one half years)... See Also Daniel 9:27
Dear President Obama 11/4/2010
-Dear President Obama, some 4 billion dollars was spent on this midterm, the most in Americas’ history and all they’ve managed to do is divide the country even more. I guess now praise be to the Supreme God, and Christ Jesus, we can begin to see. I praise them Mr. President, for revelation knowledge because it is all the more promised that those having their pleasures instead in ungodliness will all the more be disillusioned by God’s hand Himself.
And I (GOD)shall send them strong delusions, that they may believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not in the love of the truth (see John 3:16), but had their pleasures in ungodliness. II Thess. 2:11
We President Obama can begin to see why it is so often encouraged of us of God’s word, especially the book of Psalm, a book of songs and praise to God designed to be the longest book in the bible. It is Psalm 100 that encourage us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, for it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves. No, America, nor any other of the nations of the world belong to any man, they are God’s just as surely as mankind belong to God.
You see our nation father, this is what the Archangel Gabriel appearing to me, this end-time Apostle/Prophet in the year of our Lord 2004 brought me and thus us back into memory of. Clearly not only did he remind us how we were, or this is the generation that would see the fulfillment of all end-time prophecy spoken from the early prophets, to the early apostles, to the Revelations of Jesus Christ. Not only so, but there was a message about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel, you won’t believe what is behind the seventh angel, what is being declared, again, rebellious mankind most expert fear factor, the end of Nation and Kingdom building.
A Voice Declaring:‘One Era (error), a new fear factor, see Bush wars on terrorism, Jer. 37:8
A house divided against itself shall fall, although mankind has been a house divided against itself since Cain and Abel. I want to say this isn’t about you, but that’s not entirely true, you must realize, what is actually driving them is fear. For the first time in European history they are no longer in control of this worlds’ affairs. Of course this is what the Bush and Cheney wars were about, they wanted to do to Arabia what they’d done to Native America, to Africa, to Mexico and many other slaughtered and massacred by them dividing and conquering along their massive, massive forms of turf wars.
I Father Obama can’t begin to tell you how angry I was at God for allowing this supreme hypocrite to step one foot into Arabia, let alone Saddam’s Iraq, not that Saddam didn’t have it coming, but America? I know this is America, the world most trusted man slaughterer, still, after the unnumbered manners of atrocities of America. Simply, for lack of a better analogy, their accusing Saddam of being evil, was like this forever and for always manner of the pot calling the kettle back.
Although soon the Holy Spirit would sooth my anger by reassuring me how these two iron men would not accomplish what they intended, he would eventually describe to me how despite how they defeated Saddam. How bitter and bloody their wars, a manner of Saddam, of Hussein would one day father this nation, this father Obama is why they hate you so, because you, whether you’re to believe it or not you’re a plant of God, you’re biblical prophecy fulfilling, unrepentant mankind greatest fear factor.
Herein whenever I say your administration is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy this mean you being in the Whitehouse of America at the most pressing times of mankind history was first spoken of in the dateless past. That would be over two thousand years ago, possibly the moment the prophet Daniel sited, and He shall make a covenant with many for one week. I know most think the he spoken of here is the Anti-Christ, but no, it’s actually describing a last time effort of world nations to bring about what has been labored an end-time New World order, from which the anti-Christ, the little horn will emerge. I don’t Mr. President simply assume you’re this final world maker of diplomacy unlike any gone before you, I know you are, that as you read Revelation 6:1, 2, about a Whitehorse rider, and bringer of peace, it’s actually describing your presidential administration.
-I considered the horns, and there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. Daniel 7:8
-For god hath put in their heart to fulfill his will and to agree, and give their kingdoms unto the beast, (the anti-Christ, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. Rev. 17:17
-No, the scripture just above is why they and none other could ever conquer Arabia, their being in the middle east, their being Israel and this world hard place was prophesied ancient of years ago. Jesus himself promised Israel that since she refused him, she would be trodden down of the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled, in Jesus day it was Rome, now it’s Arabia, it’s this nation we see being given an end time allotment of exactly 42 months, signaling three and a half years, Rev. 11:1, 2. This apostle believe this scripture was being all the more realized the moment Bush wars targeted especially Iraq, this mean no one but Jesus the Christ himself can move the enemies of the anointed of his bloody Cross and glorious resurrection out of the way.
-As I write you I feel as though I’m in a scene out of the movie the Ten Commandments, the one where Joshua is trying to convince Moses he’s the one, how he’s the deliverer. I jokingly told my daughter-in-law just yesterday how you need to do a Moses, call your African relative and get all those supporting you in this country somewhere to exodus to. This is all based on a make believe work of mine, Preece Ebonee Be’le I started writing in the late eighties, an African bred and born world leader, a worldwide exodus, and Africa the only safe haven. I said jokingly, but do you know how many Exodus’ I’ve seen out of this country? wWich is again why I created it in my work, Preece Ebonee Be’le.
-Humble to say, Roland Emmerich’s works, Day After Tomorrow, and 2012 weren’t unite at all, not to him and his organization, I created the same scenario nearly two decades prior, been sharing this work especially on AOL boards for the last six years, on the internet over a decade. I shared in an AOL post just recently how there will be massive forms of Exodus’ out of America, whether it’s before the great gathering of saints (Rapture) or after, it’s more and more realizable. Sincerely this is not the first time Emmerich has copied off of my work, Day after tomorrow, with natural disasters causing a massive exodus out of America into the Mexican border is based on an AOL article I wrote in 2003 entitled ‘A Wise One.
-Though maybe these two, Emmerich, Kloser have done me a favor, since I wasn’t able financially to get the work published, let alone cinematized. I know he make a lot of reference to the biblical story of Noah’s Ark , that he chose Africa, because it’s named the Cape of hope. I shared this story with Kevin Trudeau in stark details in 2007, I chose Africa because it’s deemed the cradle of mankind, and like I said I’ve been sharing this story-line on the internet fifteen years or more, on AOL believer boards for the last six years. Of course when I by prophetic messages, dreams, visions, given me created these worldwide cataclysms, this wide world exodus yes by Mega ships on stormy seas, it was in a period movies of this caliber, especially an exodus out of what’s labored the greatest country ever, America was totally unheard of.
-Though praise be to God, this blessed hope isn’t one called Preece Ebonee, no, he’s my make believe end time type of Moses, the African Juttah, though I’ve never considered it before, a type of Canaan Land set aside for the redeemed. Forever and a day, this nations Father, mankind’s one, true blessed Hope is Jesus Christ arriving just in time to destroy the armies of the anti-Christ, and to lock Satan away for a thousand years. No if this was all truly based on various exodus I’ve seen and again recreated in this fictitious work, then the exodus out of America would’ve began right after the September 11th attacks, and before President Bush war on the so labored, The Axis of Evil.
-He’s the one is what Holy Spirits described of you President Obama, the anti-Christ as so many think, or the deliverer, as so many hope? What was the difference between Moses and Adolf Hitler, even Peter and Judas? Satan as he does all mankind tried to make Moses into a lying murderer, and Hitler by a black heart was convinced he was a deliverer, he was to deliver Germany by destroying the Jewish people. Hitler at his wicked heart wedged this battle, the one to win against flesh and blood, his not realizing man is in capable of both fighting and winning these wars, why?
-Because blind from birth at the heart man cannot see who his true enemies are, he is deceived. His not realizing the fault of sin first lies with him, as all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, repentance must begin at us. Thus imagine if Hitler had killed himself first, death by Christ’s Cross that is, again, just imagine. Seeking God Moses learn this lesson, and won a battle without war, Hitler instead changing the truth of God into a lie,(thou shalt not kill), like so many other unbelievers failed prey to the imagination of his damned, monstrous, murderous heart. I guess Mr. President every man at one point in his life has to decide what he’s to be, his own form of deliverer where millions will perish, or God’s form, Jesus Christ, where millions will live for an eternity?
Although I wrote President Bush many times, I didn’t want to write you, I didn’t feel as though there was a need, as God, his prophecies not returning unto Him void were by your presidency, so in control of world affairs. My spouse has been encouraging me to write you for the longest, but I couldn’t write you simply because he thought I should, but when, if I was lead of the Holy Spirit. You President Obama is the change especially European leaders have feared since before they were a people and they just can’t deal with it, with you, they went into Iraq spent billions to prevent persons like you, not to elect you to the Whitehouse. I want you to know, the more they war against you, the more this world will war against itself and until they all get what they want. A world without religion, without politics and money woes and three and a half years later they’ll get the Anti-Christ.
In the years of our Lord 1994 I looked into this dream whereas Mr. President I saw a death rider, his face was as the face of death. The earth surface just seem to open unto him and when he rode he rode victor and victoriously. I looked and behold a clock ticked under him, a clock of years ticking not backward but forward beginning and ending with a sixtieth year. I looked and behold a mouth as though it was speaking to me declaring, fret not thyself, rather trust. Delight and commit, and yet another voice like that I’d heard many times before, a voice as King David declaring “and he shall bring forth they righteousness as the light and thy judgment as the noon day.
Clearly President Obama an end hath come and with it insurmountable forms of death, what I didn’t share here was this death rider was riding against the time. The time it was defeated at Christ’s cross as mankind’s abominable lives, lands and churches instead empowered him. The backward running clock is representative of the final seven years of this age, 42 months belonging to an end-time peace accord and world peace, as so 42 months belonging to the rise of the Anti-Christ. The dispensation of grace truly can’t go forward until these seven final years dating back to Daniel’s prophecies are by this generation at present fulfilled. Believe me when I say again, an exodus for America will come, the question is will you lead us, or will you Mr. President be the one we’re to escape from?
Now witnessing the earth surface just open up releasing this bringer of insurmountable death, was confusing at first until I realize it all represented catastrophe forms of natural disasters. That records set and broken concerning natural disasters would be more than broken but splatter to pieces. It was as well riding against what the Holy Spirit described as lives, lands and churches, the very things God’s people unite in celebration to give him all the thanks. Although had these various gains become by this Holy Ones' description, abominable and detestable because it all demostrataed a forsaking of God. As so sound doctrine, a worship of gain, even greed for godliness, this mean first property and land would be the most targeted, then eventually lives where death tolls would mount.
This is what the dream was about I had the beginning of this year, in the dream I was able to see household, after household, after household, and they were all staying in front of the TV for what could only be bad news, hoping for good. It had to be something like the days of President Kennedy and the Cuban Missile crisis, but in this dream, this dream was more like something out of the 1980 movie, A Day After. Soon severely panic people began grabbing what they could, and tearing from their homes to their automobiles and even on foot, this is when I eventually saw that a bringer of death was in the land. How he was chasing people down, and once he captured you, he would jam a sizeable syringe right into the chest, slaying and killing them. All that nothing would be left of them, of America, but a strange manner of paper Mache, that’s to be hung in memory of on the refrigerator, beware, take heed.
In May of last year I looked into a dream where I saw the streets filled to complete capacity with marching people. There were again marching, protesting people in the streets as far as the eyes could see, and what was so concerning is that the banner that overshadowed everything was of red velvet. I immediately thought this, or these were the streets of America, but I should’ve known better, Americans don’t street protest anymore, they email, blog, face-book, and twitter. I wrote this dream down as a prophecy which simply said, ‘seen to be seeing celebrating in our streets a mighty, marching cover over banner of red velvet, our streets filled with protesters and being made red all the more on the map 05/20/2010 (see second seal.) Now we know this was all in reference to the spiked Egyptian protest, that has brought it’s concerning vice as far as the young Arabs protesting in the streets of america.
I can’t tell you how proud I am of them, they having for always thieves and robbers for world leaders, now this mass falling out among thieves. I only wish these marches were fulfillment of my last Thanksgiving Day request, that their banners read Jesus Christ, Blessed Hope. As especially young worshippers by the hundreds of thousands are marching and chanting, ‘praying for Jesus Christ to come, praying for Jesus Christ to come, come Jesus Christ. This is Jesus Christ warning an unbelieving Israel, as so the world, how they wouldn't see him again until they pray 'blessed is he who come in the name of the Lord.
Prophecy Links
And This Shall Be The End
I was caught up in visions and dreams this morning, 08/10/2010, I wish I could tell you what I saw and heard but the truth is I don't rightly know. That's correct, like it was routine, or it just wasn't that important, only as I began to wake I heard a voice say and I quote, "and this shall be the end." My Christ Jesus, who's about to be on the earth, you should've seen me trying to do like this re-run or trying to take what I supposedly heard and saw more serious, 'and this shall be the end.'
Something similar happen in a dream, or vision around the year 2000, one whereas by the Holy Spirits I was being taken into a fly over the entire country. A stunning Passover whereas I saw the destruction of this nation from the eastern seaboard to the western sea board, I witness the entire eastern sea board burn up as far as Missouri. As so did I see the Whitehouse in flames, the space center in total ruin when just as soon I heard a voice say ‘the _____will be the most severely destroyed. I again tried to do like this re-run in my head, my spirit so I could see and comprehend just what was said but to no prevail, this inconceivable Passover, passed from me.
As so and just as recent as a couple of days ago, 11/06/2010, I looked into a dream whereas I witness this extraordinary making for or toward the border crossing. Although in the dream my spouse and myself knew there was this mass getaway, that we knew how there was panic all around. The truth is we just weren’t in any hurry, sincerely this mass panic could represent many of places and people throughout this country and world. Though it is just another sign how nothing on this planet, especially in this nation America is to be taken for granted, no more peace and safety, but sudden destruction continuously.
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM)… © Copyright 2009-2010
Also See: The Exodus http://theexodus2012.blogspot.com/ Lord Urusalem http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/ Knowing http://thethingshereafter.blogspot.com/
A Voice Declaring: Protect All Human Being At The Wailing Wall, a fall of peace and safety horribly, even continuously on the map my 20,277 prophecy link 01/08/2004…
Revelation Speaks:
Remember from whence thou art fallen, and repent and do the first work JCON, for reference see Sonlife Broadcasting Network, SBN Direct-TV, channel 344
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Bob Carlisle… In The Sky
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
-Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a dress rehearsal for the rapture of the church 01/06/2004, my 200,259, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link
-Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a trial run for the rapture of the church 01/08/2004, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link
-Seen to seeing a cloud fat and bursting through with the first resurrection saints shooting into the heavens like rockets at meeting the Lord Christ in the heavens 02/14/2004
-Seen to be in heaven, seen to be seeing a trial run for the second coming of Jesus Christ to the battle of Armageddon 01/08/2004 (Zech. 14: 1-8, Rev. 16;12-15, 19:11-21my 200,275 prophecy link.
-Seen to be seeing the Seventh angel, the Archangel Gabriel, they both seen to be declaring: “The fulfillment of all things is upon mankind” 05/15/2004, see Rev. 10: 7-11, 11:15-19) my 200,660 prophecy link
-There’s something about the rapture of the church, some by grace, others by the winepress (wrath) of God 06/12/2004, (see Rev. 14:13- 20) my 200,749 prophecy link
From A Painting In The Dark 11/04/2010
The Revelation Center
The Communicator
Who Hath Sinned?
By: Apostle/Prophet P. A. Bradford
-And there was given me a reed like unto a rod; and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the alter and them that worship therein...But the court that is without the temple leave out and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles; and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months (three and one half years)... See Also Daniel 9:27
Dear President Obama 11/4/2010
-Dear President Obama, some 4 billion dollars was spent on this midterm, the most in Americas’ history and all they’ve managed to do is divide the country even more. I guess now praise be to the Supreme God, and Christ Jesus, we can begin to see. I praise them Mr. President, for revelation knowledge because it is all the more promised that those having their pleasures instead in ungodliness will all the more be disillusioned by God’s hand Himself.
And I (GOD)shall send them strong delusions, that they may believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not in the love of the truth (see John 3:16), but had their pleasures in ungodliness. II Thess. 2:11
We President Obama can begin to see why it is so often encouraged of us of God’s word, especially the book of Psalm, a book of songs and praise to God designed to be the longest book in the bible. It is Psalm 100 that encourage us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, for it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves. No, America, nor any other of the nations of the world belong to any man, they are God’s just as surely as mankind belong to God.
You see our nation father, this is what the Archangel Gabriel appearing to me, this end-time Apostle/Prophet in the year of our Lord 2004 brought me and thus us back into memory of. Clearly not only did he remind us how we were, or this is the generation that would see the fulfillment of all end-time prophecy spoken from the early prophets, to the early apostles, to the Revelations of Jesus Christ. Not only so, but there was a message about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel, you won’t believe what is behind the seventh angel, what is being declared, again, rebellious mankind most expert fear factor, the end of Nation and Kingdom building.
A Voice Declaring:‘One Era (error), a new fear factor, see Bush wars on terrorism, Jer. 37:8
A house divided against itself shall fall, although mankind has been a house divided against itself since Cain and Abel. I want to say this isn’t about you, but that’s not entirely true, you must realize, what is actually driving them is fear. For the first time in European history they are no longer in control of this worlds’ affairs. Of course this is what the Bush and Cheney wars were about, they wanted to do to Arabia what they’d done to Native America, to Africa, to Mexico and many other slaughtered and massacred by them dividing and conquering along their massive, massive forms of turf wars.
I Father Obama can’t begin to tell you how angry I was at God for allowing this supreme hypocrite to step one foot into Arabia, let alone Saddam’s Iraq, not that Saddam didn’t have it coming, but America? I know this is America, the world most trusted man slaughterer, still, after the unnumbered manners of atrocities of America. Simply, for lack of a better analogy, their accusing Saddam of being evil, was like this forever and for always manner of the pot calling the kettle back.
Although soon the Holy Spirit would sooth my anger by reassuring me how these two iron men would not accomplish what they intended, he would eventually describe to me how despite how they defeated Saddam. How bitter and bloody their wars, a manner of Saddam, of Hussein would one day father this nation, this father Obama is why they hate you so, because you, whether you’re to believe it or not you’re a plant of God, you’re biblical prophecy fulfilling, unrepentant mankind greatest fear factor.
Herein whenever I say your administration is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy this mean you being in the Whitehouse of America at the most pressing times of mankind history was first spoken of in the dateless past. That would be over two thousand years ago, possibly the moment the prophet Daniel sited, and He shall make a covenant with many for one week. I know most think the he spoken of here is the Anti-Christ, but no, it’s actually describing a last time effort of world nations to bring about what has been labored an end-time New World order, from which the anti-Christ, the little horn will emerge. I don’t Mr. President simply assume you’re this final world maker of diplomacy unlike any gone before you, I know you are, that as you read Revelation 6:1, 2, about a Whitehorse rider, and bringer of peace, it’s actually describing your presidential administration.
-I considered the horns, and there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. Daniel 7:8
-For god hath put in their heart to fulfill his will and to agree, and give their kingdoms unto the beast, (the anti-Christ, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. Rev. 17:17
-No, the scripture just above is why they and none other could ever conquer Arabia, their being in the middle east, their being Israel and this world hard place was prophesied ancient of years ago. Jesus himself promised Israel that since she refused him, she would be trodden down of the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled, in Jesus day it was Rome, now it’s Arabia, it’s this nation we see being given an end time allotment of exactly 42 months, signaling three and a half years, Rev. 11:1, 2. This apostle believe this scripture was being all the more realized the moment Bush wars targeted especially Iraq, this mean no one but Jesus the Christ himself can move the enemies of the anointed of his bloody Cross and glorious resurrection out of the way.
-As I write you I feel as though I’m in a scene out of the movie the Ten Commandments, the one where Joshua is trying to convince Moses he’s the one, how he’s the deliverer. I jokingly told my daughter-in-law just yesterday how you need to do a Moses, call your African relative and get all those supporting you in this country somewhere to exodus to. This is all based on a make believe work of mine, Preece Ebonee Be’le I started writing in the late eighties, an African bred and born world leader, a worldwide exodus, and Africa the only safe haven. I said jokingly, but do you know how many Exodus’ I’ve seen out of this country? wWich is again why I created it in my work, Preece Ebonee Be’le.
-Humble to say, Roland Emmerich’s works, Day After Tomorrow, and 2012 weren’t unite at all, not to him and his organization, I created the same scenario nearly two decades prior, been sharing this work especially on AOL boards for the last six years, on the internet over a decade. I shared in an AOL post just recently how there will be massive forms of Exodus’ out of America, whether it’s before the great gathering of saints (Rapture) or after, it’s more and more realizable. Sincerely this is not the first time Emmerich has copied off of my work, Day after tomorrow, with natural disasters causing a massive exodus out of America into the Mexican border is based on an AOL article I wrote in 2003 entitled ‘A Wise One.
-Though maybe these two, Emmerich, Kloser have done me a favor, since I wasn’t able financially to get the work published, let alone cinematized. I know he make a lot of reference to the biblical story of Noah’s Ark , that he chose Africa, because it’s named the Cape of hope. I shared this story with Kevin Trudeau in stark details in 2007, I chose Africa because it’s deemed the cradle of mankind, and like I said I’ve been sharing this story-line on the internet fifteen years or more, on AOL believer boards for the last six years. Of course when I by prophetic messages, dreams, visions, given me created these worldwide cataclysms, this wide world exodus yes by Mega ships on stormy seas, it was in a period movies of this caliber, especially an exodus out of what’s labored the greatest country ever, America was totally unheard of.
-Though praise be to God, this blessed hope isn’t one called Preece Ebonee, no, he’s my make believe end time type of Moses, the African Juttah, though I’ve never considered it before, a type of Canaan Land set aside for the redeemed. Forever and a day, this nations Father, mankind’s one, true blessed Hope is Jesus Christ arriving just in time to destroy the armies of the anti-Christ, and to lock Satan away for a thousand years. No if this was all truly based on various exodus I’ve seen and again recreated in this fictitious work, then the exodus out of America would’ve began right after the September 11th attacks, and before President Bush war on the so labored, The Axis of Evil.
-He’s the one is what Holy Spirits described of you President Obama, the anti-Christ as so many think, or the deliverer, as so many hope? What was the difference between Moses and Adolf Hitler, even Peter and Judas? Satan as he does all mankind tried to make Moses into a lying murderer, and Hitler by a black heart was convinced he was a deliverer, he was to deliver Germany by destroying the Jewish people. Hitler at his wicked heart wedged this battle, the one to win against flesh and blood, his not realizing man is in capable of both fighting and winning these wars, why?
-Because blind from birth at the heart man cannot see who his true enemies are, he is deceived. His not realizing the fault of sin first lies with him, as all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, repentance must begin at us. Thus imagine if Hitler had killed himself first, death by Christ’s Cross that is, again, just imagine. Seeking God Moses learn this lesson, and won a battle without war, Hitler instead changing the truth of God into a lie,(thou shalt not kill), like so many other unbelievers failed prey to the imagination of his damned, monstrous, murderous heart. I guess Mr. President every man at one point in his life has to decide what he’s to be, his own form of deliverer where millions will perish, or God’s form, Jesus Christ, where millions will live for an eternity?
Although I wrote President Bush many times, I didn’t want to write you, I didn’t feel as though there was a need, as God, his prophecies not returning unto Him void were by your presidency, so in control of world affairs. My spouse has been encouraging me to write you for the longest, but I couldn’t write you simply because he thought I should, but when, if I was lead of the Holy Spirit. You President Obama is the change especially European leaders have feared since before they were a people and they just can’t deal with it, with you, they went into Iraq spent billions to prevent persons like you, not to elect you to the Whitehouse. I want you to know, the more they war against you, the more this world will war against itself and until they all get what they want. A world without religion, without politics and money woes and three and a half years later they’ll get the Anti-Christ.
In the years of our Lord 1994 I looked into this dream whereas Mr. President I saw a death rider, his face was as the face of death. The earth surface just seem to open unto him and when he rode he rode victor and victoriously. I looked and behold a clock ticked under him, a clock of years ticking not backward but forward beginning and ending with a sixtieth year. I looked and behold a mouth as though it was speaking to me declaring, fret not thyself, rather trust. Delight and commit, and yet another voice like that I’d heard many times before, a voice as King David declaring “and he shall bring forth they righteousness as the light and thy judgment as the noon day.
Clearly President Obama an end hath come and with it insurmountable forms of death, what I didn’t share here was this death rider was riding against the time. The time it was defeated at Christ’s cross as mankind’s abominable lives, lands and churches instead empowered him. The backward running clock is representative of the final seven years of this age, 42 months belonging to an end-time peace accord and world peace, as so 42 months belonging to the rise of the Anti-Christ. The dispensation of grace truly can’t go forward until these seven final years dating back to Daniel’s prophecies are by this generation at present fulfilled. Believe me when I say again, an exodus for America will come, the question is will you lead us, or will you Mr. President be the one we’re to escape from?
Now witnessing the earth surface just open up releasing this bringer of insurmountable death, was confusing at first until I realize it all represented catastrophe forms of natural disasters. That records set and broken concerning natural disasters would be more than broken but splatter to pieces. It was as well riding against what the Holy Spirit described as lives, lands and churches, the very things God’s people unite in celebration to give him all the thanks. Although had these various gains become by this Holy Ones' description, abominable and detestable because it all demostrataed a forsaking of God. As so sound doctrine, a worship of gain, even greed for godliness, this mean first property and land would be the most targeted, then eventually lives where death tolls would mount.
This is what the dream was about I had the beginning of this year, in the dream I was able to see household, after household, after household, and they were all staying in front of the TV for what could only be bad news, hoping for good. It had to be something like the days of President Kennedy and the Cuban Missile crisis, but in this dream, this dream was more like something out of the 1980 movie, A Day After. Soon severely panic people began grabbing what they could, and tearing from their homes to their automobiles and even on foot, this is when I eventually saw that a bringer of death was in the land. How he was chasing people down, and once he captured you, he would jam a sizeable syringe right into the chest, slaying and killing them. All that nothing would be left of them, of America, but a strange manner of paper Mache, that’s to be hung in memory of on the refrigerator, beware, take heed.
In May of last year I looked into a dream where I saw the streets filled to complete capacity with marching people. There were again marching, protesting people in the streets as far as the eyes could see, and what was so concerning is that the banner that overshadowed everything was of red velvet. I immediately thought this, or these were the streets of America, but I should’ve known better, Americans don’t street protest anymore, they email, blog, face-book, and twitter. I wrote this dream down as a prophecy which simply said, ‘seen to be seeing celebrating in our streets a mighty, marching cover over banner of red velvet, our streets filled with protesters and being made red all the more on the map 05/20/2010 (see second seal.) Now we know this was all in reference to the spiked Egyptian protest, that has brought it’s concerning vice as far as the young Arabs protesting in the streets of america.
I can’t tell you how proud I am of them, they having for always thieves and robbers for world leaders, now this mass falling out among thieves. I only wish these marches were fulfillment of my last Thanksgiving Day request, that their banners read Jesus Christ, Blessed Hope. As especially young worshippers by the hundreds of thousands are marching and chanting, ‘praying for Jesus Christ to come, praying for Jesus Christ to come, come Jesus Christ. This is Jesus Christ warning an unbelieving Israel, as so the world, how they wouldn't see him again until they pray 'blessed is he who come in the name of the Lord.
Prophecy Links
And This Shall Be The End
I was caught up in visions and dreams this morning, 08/10/2010, I wish I could tell you what I saw and heard but the truth is I don't rightly know. That's correct, like it was routine, or it just wasn't that important, only as I began to wake I heard a voice say and I quote, "and this shall be the end." My Christ Jesus, who's about to be on the earth, you should've seen me trying to do like this re-run or trying to take what I supposedly heard and saw more serious, 'and this shall be the end.'
Something similar happen in a dream, or vision around the year 2000, one whereas by the Holy Spirits I was being taken into a fly over the entire country. A stunning Passover whereas I saw the destruction of this nation from the eastern seaboard to the western sea board, I witness the entire eastern sea board burn up as far as Missouri. As so did I see the Whitehouse in flames, the space center in total ruin when just as soon I heard a voice say ‘the _____will be the most severely destroyed. I again tried to do like this re-run in my head, my spirit so I could see and comprehend just what was said but to no prevail, this inconceivable Passover, passed from me.
As so and just as recent as a couple of days ago, 11/06/2010, I looked into a dream whereas I witness this extraordinary making for or toward the border crossing. Although in the dream my spouse and myself knew there was this mass getaway, that we knew how there was panic all around. The truth is we just weren’t in any hurry, sincerely this mass panic could represent many of places and people throughout this country and world. Though it is just another sign how nothing on this planet, especially in this nation America is to be taken for granted, no more peace and safety, but sudden destruction continuously.
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM)… © Copyright 2009-2010
Also See: The Exodus http://theexodus2012.blogspot.com/ Lord Urusalem http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/ Knowing http://thethingshereafter.blogspot.com/
A Voice Declaring: Protect All Human Being At The Wailing Wall, a fall of peace and safety horribly, even continuously on the map my 20,277 prophecy link 01/08/2004…
Revelation Speaks:
Remember from whence thou art fallen, and repent and do the first work JCON, for reference see Sonlife Broadcasting Network, SBN Direct-TV, channel 344
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Bob Carlisle… In The Sky
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
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