Dreams, Earthquakes and Storms In The Links Prophecy
-There’s something about women, children and terrorist plots, more covert manner of terrorist attacks on the map 03/27/2010
-Seen to be seeing us in an earthquake, surrounded by earthquake damage, seen to be panic all around...03/04/2011
-Seen To Be Seeing an explosive light, A Voice Declaring Japan, Japan under an explosive light on the map 12/26/2010
-There's something about New York, about New York and a head wound, a violent blow to the head on the map 03/12/2011
-There's something about H1N1, bird flu or outbreaks again on the map 03/12/2011
Why no looting in Japan? Pastor Manning Tells the Whole Truth!
-It’s as though Pastor Manning himself doesn’t know not only is mankind’s history, but his very nature is one of barbarism, of murder and mayhem dating back to the first recorded manslaughter of brother Cain slaying brother Abel. Jesus Christ, God was manifested in the flesh and dwelled among us because man is good? No because mankind is a ruin, he’s a ruin upon this planet, upon nation building and especially upon his fellow man, this ruination is in the very blood of mankind. Ideally change his heart, change his blood, change his blood change his blood lineage, thus is the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God.
-This is why the prophet Ezekiel explain how God is to take the old heart, the heart of flesh (filthiness, corruption) and give unto man a new heart of compassion, This is why God is described as one who judges mankind by his heart, why Jesus exclaimed how it is not what goes into man, but what comes from man, out of heart, that which provokes mankind to evil. This is why the word of God is described as being sharper than any two edge sword, piercing asunder even to the bones and marrow and is a discerner of the heart. Clearly why do we, especially those who’re to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, why do we marvel at unrepentant man barbaric ways?
Can The Ethiopian Change His Skin? 03/27/2011
After screening this shipwreck of a video of Pastor Manning I came to realize he was just another man, a failed leader of men loving the sound of his voice, with so many others doing the same. He sat there and talked as though he was amazed at the barbarism this Apostle mind you not only of the black man but of mankind period. Whether it’s done through raping, stealing and killing in our streets, through an internet of evil networking or from a non-piloted rocket launcher in Pakistan the results are the same. Mankind like their father Satan kill, maim and destroy at will as he’s doing his will, this is what the living word of God mean when it declares there isn’t a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sin not. This description most of all include the European man, as every luxury mankind have and covet after in this world and this nation is all geared toward the European man with the minority, come it hell, high water or the wine press of God apt to follow.
-This is the world system that has enslaved the African man, that has mocked, abused and slaughtered him, that has imprisoned and executed him. These are the world of leaders that has kept it’s foot on the black man’s neck to keep him as an underachiever, at slave labor wages, as so is it the same monetary and political system that has done nothing but embezzle, hoodwink, and reduce to rubble the African man. They give him his own network and it’s not fit to watch, they give him this own music and radio stations they’re too violent, vulgar and too degrading to woman, thus it’s not fit to listen too. They’ve done nothing down through the ages but make him this fellow monster yes even Pastor Manning, actually this world and wonder why they carry themselves so monstrous.
-I’ve complained for years how prime time TV is as dominated by white rule today as when it first day viewed , the TV I watch with my grandfather, with my parents and children and even today, 2011, the TV I watch with my grandchildren, Nick Jr., Nickelodeon, Disney is still just as white. I guess what I’m trying to say is very little has black people been presented in a good light and this has been from generations passed until present day and our American society suppose to get something good out of all the wreckage they’ve put in. Do you know how much the face, the color of the face of News anchors have changed since the September 11th attacks, especially on CNN? Entire nations have been uprooted from the earth because of it’s mistreatment of the poor and unfortunate, thus we must realize that Obama being in the Whitehouse, and Islam being in an uproar isn’t for our benefit but our judgment from God demise.
-The blacks in this nation and around the world have been treated with nothing less than barbarism and we’re shocked and amazed when they carry themselves barbaric, you can hear the American dream proclaiming to the world how it has made the black man more prosperous than any other nation. For one, all prosperity comes from God by way of Christ Jesus’ cross, and second so far this prosperity has been nothing but enough rope to hang all of mankind with. So they, those slaughtered with such genius are now the walking dead with a lethal virus of unparalleled revenge that is upon us. Upon us and our children with torture vehicles unthinkable and millions are set to lose not only their lives but their souls, repent ye for the great day of His, God’s wrath is upon us and who besides the repented by the way of Christ’s cross will be able to stand?
Two Nations Apart
-I'll admit there's a stark difference between Japan and America, between the gravely suppressed Asian man and the highly distressed, oppressed black American. This difference can be compared to the popular novels years ago that men are from Venus and women from Mars or vice versa, because it is as though they’re from two different planets. Although we know this isn’t true as they're both from one creation of man, though the similarity and lack thereof is far different than comparing Japanese people to African American people and why. Why is there this stark difference and how much does fear play a part in comparing these two nations apart?
-I mean how many people knew how severely poor this part of New Orleans, how many people knew Haiti was nothing less than a shanty town? Porte Prince Haiti and New Orleans were very popular vacationing spots for a lot of people, why did they go so long in this state of demoralization, way wasn’t something done to protect mental and physical life sooner? You have to remember black people have always felt like the most ill-fortunate and dispose of, that’s little thought of people on the planet despite how successful they’re projected as being; they’re still the Ethiopian man. This is what God mean when he asked through the prophet Jeremiah whether or not an Ethiopian man could change his skin as especially the Negro man would always around the world be little regarded, or as discarded as the European man is regarded.
-Japan is said to be the third richest economy on the map, Katrina victims were what, who? We’re talking about the top of the food chain verses the bottom, like well feed lambs verses little feed Lions with nothing but recklessness to render. The Katrina victims little had homes or anything of true value before the hurricane hit, they were some of the most depressed, most despondent people in this country. Honestly they represent what’s hidden cleverly under the prevailing shirts of most moneyed nations that none are to see, hear or even admit as being actual or factual. This is where no political leader will admit there is a class of people in America defined as poor, or bitterly poor, as far as they’re concern and yes this include president Obama there are no class of people in this country below middle class.
-This is remarkable I know, I don’t know, maybe this is what government has always strived after, but to portray to its people and the world that poverty stricken people don’t exist in the free world is utterly ridiculous and morally irresponsible. Is this an excuse for how they acted or what they done? No, but it is a mightier than us all driving force? Yes, as poverty stricken people are the most ill-treated and mistreated people in this nation, thus are they surmountable bouts of chaos waiting to happen. You factor in this heinous sin nature of all mankind, men who’ve forsaken God, and thus their humanity days without number and then you factor in how gravely they themselves felt abandoned. Seemingly dumped at waiting on an ever sluggish government that had already on a world-wide scale cast them off to fend for themselves. I know for those standing on the outside looking in this wasn’t the case but those lost into this mammoth than America itself disaster it appeared to be a horrible end yet with no end in sight.
-I mean we brag on Pastor Manning having the ability of freedom of speech to express himself but how much freedom do the Japanese people have at expressing themselves, how much control is too much control, how much control is deadly? Even the word of God admonish us to get angry, we’re not to sin in this anger but at least anger is a natural reaction to a people so let down for so long seeming by everything and everybody they trust and believe. How many of us were actually astonished at what happen, this surmountable manner of every man for his or herself? I’ll admit I have neighbors who go out of their way not to be neighborly, as to ask of them or to expect of them to be neighborly is ungodly, I kid you not. Henceforth, the only way I know they exist is by their fancy automobiles that go to and fro about the neighborhood. Frightfully, this is their gospel as long as they’re not the ones in need, all of them wearing I gave at church banners round their stretched with pride necks.
-Aren’t we, Americans like sheep gone astray, who’ve left mankind (the neighbor) to his own way, while God hath laid upon the Christ Lord the iniquity of us all? No doubt this is the hard love, god bless the child who got his own messages they like to spread beyond their religious pulpits, it is all such a trespass of God’s manner of righteousness that it beggars description. By God’s commandment to love we’re suppose to die that our neighbor, even our enemy survive, thus people are what they’re told to be, and especially by religious pulpits what they’re taught to be, reaping atrocious manners of ungodliness sown. This is what Paul mean when he declare God isn’t mocked whatsoever a man sow that shall he reap, how if man shall of the flesh sow corruption, he shall of the flesh reap corruption. As so if he of the spirit sows righteousness he shall of the spirit reap righteousness. You can’t put into man all these scandalous, grotesque even demonic components and receive holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ, I put forward continuously you have not so learned Jesus Christ.
-This is where we hear this antichrist message first of the American dream and now of rapper fifty scent crying aloud, sparing not “get rich or die trying!” Hence the Apostle John went as far as to declare, to remind us how there are only two kind of people on this planet those by Christ’s cross the children of God, as so those by denying Christ’s cross, the children of the Devil. How there is no in between, you honor and obey one or the other, the father of this present world Satan or the Father of the future world, God in Heaven.
-This reminds me, as I logged on this morning to Yahoo the first thing I saw was a photo of Snoop Dog and Nate Dog and something about an inking in of tribute of one to another. Surely, if James Brown, RIP, was the father of soul I guess these two are the Fathers of rap. I was sicken by this, at the thought these ruins are our children’s role models, coupled this with a literal firestorm of Witchcraft/Sorcery like characters unto the Barbie/Ken doll characters they watch on Disney and Nick Jr. it’s nothing less than sowing these off of God’s course spirits and reaping a degenerate offspring.
-According to the word of God our children are born into death, pain and anguish, hence their cursed lives are all over-shadowed by these lying, overly offensive manners of thieves and liars making of the world something it can never be. That It is this constant way of making the young think they can make something of the world other than death and horror that they pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ teaching for doctrine the cunning craftiness of men.
-Of course there is a good that can be made of this curse of death but not by these doctrines of devils, of messy, to over perfect entertainers driving children mad. It’s by the Christ Lord, His crying aloud, sparing not “come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden and I’ll give you rest, take my yoke upon you, because my yoke is easy and my burdens light and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Because if a ten year old can take a rope and make a noose and hang his or herself in their closet, god I just imagined a parent finding their child like this. Then they can acknowledge their sins, ask Jesus pardon and give themselves over to this one blessed hope not only of life but of death, learning of him and serving him forthwith.
Suffer the little children and bring them to me…JCON
A World Apart
-You probably don’t remember but a similar comparison was made in this country between Katrina victims and the half of million people in the south west as of December 2007 who had to be evacuated from their homes because of raging fires. I thought the assessment then was as off track as well, not only these being mostly white middle class to upper class people. Though was it all in hind sight of the Katrina event, thus the comparison was again so unwarranted. The Katrina victims in their situation then, as people living in literal shanty towns at present was again nothing but a disorganized manner of nightmare waiting to happen. It is true a boiling pot can only take so much heat before it boil over violating and fusing out everything in its path. I say the darken mirror we were all duped by, that America is the greatest country in this world, this home sweet home became ever so transparent and unveiled as the expert fraud, this artificial loan it actually is.
-When I further heard this Pastor’s comments, just as much the birthers of these extreme situation of desperate people as governmental leaders I said immediately Japan was blown up while Katrina victims were blown out, out of the financially down in the dumps catastrophe they were. I’ll be completely sincere I don’t think proper comparisons can be made with either events unless these people Asian, Westerners were for years placed in the same, identical degrading state as these Katrina survivors. That demographics, economics, mental and moral states, even hereditary all play a part of how people will respond to disaster. They were about to be invaded, a bringer of death and mayhem was in their midst, I know there are always those who’re going to think the warning doesn’t at all sanction the action. Though is there as well those who are incapable of making necessary steps of vacating targeted areas, this was displayed by all the single mothers and their wayward children all escaping on foot.
-We are a rich nation but at what cause to not only fellow Americas but our fellow man? If then one man is made poor at our wealth isn’t this wealth then a farce? The entire nation is reeling at the constant accusation that President Obama is to make this nation into a socialist nation, I don’t know clearly what that mean, but I told my family how the attacks of September 11th, and the wars to follow was in all essence about Americans refusal to equalize, wealth there is, I don’t know how I knew this, I just knew. Of course what Obama is trying to do is a little too late, Americans of all ethnicity are literally, well to be honest they’re frightening, and I mean when the worse happen, magnetize Katrina panic and overall pandemonium a million times . Of course we’re talking about the worse happening even as we speak as the Red Velvet Protest, meaning bloody protest in Islam is all indicative of the end time falling away (the fall of religious and political assembly) that’s to spread to all borders having no limits, again slaughtering millions.
-The truth is everyone dropped the ball so to speak, no one from the highest point of government to the least was ready for a Katrina disaster and once it happen no one knew how to deal with it, especially already exasperated financially, even ethically victims. Apparently when the worse now happening, there was nothing to prove to them something other than the status quo was in the making. No, the leaders of this nation may as well admit it, American people inspired by a money, powered and thus driven system where even their greatest technology has far surpassed their humanity are less to be humane than human being. How they’re proud of this fact, as though humanity is worthless when prosperity and power is everything, simply it doesn’t pay to be sociable nor civilized.
-I told a friend of my lately, she was in my kitchen, we were talking when I out right told her not to expect churches to be charitable, she looked at me and I looked at her as we both knew what I said was so right on target. This pastor then asked what should we prescribe, you know to change the evil black man from his evil, of course the answer to all mankind who’re found to be in sin is repentance and reconciliation by Christ Jesus cross that’s in their heart, mouth and their knees. I began a work years ago, Preece Ebonee Be’le, in this work I imagined teen agers, seniors as both God and marriage worshippers. Because I imagined them to be this holiness unto the Lord Father in heaven, these book characters turn out to be representatives of the most astonishing manner of righteous young people ever. just as so young people who worship and serve God with all their heart, mind and soul.
-Since I created this work, J. K. Rolling has taken very young teens, crafted them into, sorcerers and witches and spawn forth the greatest series of children books ever, namely Harry Potter. The same can be said for the Twilight series, the taking of teenagers, of high school graduates and formulating them into vampires and werewolves, which is again one of the world’s most popular series between teens and young adults. Then there’s the Chronicles of Nardia C. S. Lewis that is as well filled with magic, witchcraft and sorcery again a very popular children series. I know it all seem innocent but when your children get in trouble, and they will get in trouble, this being a very troublesome world, having not just thousands of instructors but millions.
-Just as so when they get in trouble and their role models are warlocks, sorcerers, witches, vampires and werewolves who are they going to turn to for help? Especially when all of their role models represent the most troublesome, even the most perilous practices of the world at forsaking the supreme God. They are, all of them as gods having eyes but no sight, those gods having ears but they can’t hear, a mouth they have but they can’t speak any saving wisdom. These popular stories and ever popular characters are nothing but Satan’s seat laboring through mankind at bringing these wicked devices to pass with purpose to as usual steal, kill and destroy. These are the seducing devils, the wicked devices having crept into the homes, schools and places of worship by way of various forms of entertainment thought harmless.
-It all being an instrument of satanic intervention and demonic possession it has literally ruin any hope of mankind on this earth, meaning we’ve sown unthinkable manners of ungodliness and have reaped possibly the worse teenagers in the free world and possibly the planet. This is why Jesus threaten to kill those in bed with Jezebel (sexual promiscuity), even their children, because they were destined to be a perverse and crooked beyond description generation. I don’t get this, what does recipe for disaster mean? We think simply because it’s all a manner of practical magic it’s safe, this is like a little, white lie, there is no such thing as it’s all a transgression of the righteousness of God. It is here though it may offend you greatly the Katrina survivors damaged so distortedly at the heart and mind by these doctrines of devils and demons carried themselves more American at portraying what a grotesque, even tumultuous weave of pending anarchy all leaders especially of this nation have weaved.
-Now imagine your child is to have a friend like Jesus? Your sexual promiscuous child, your drug addict, violently angry child, your unsociably, depressed even suicidal child, having no one or nothing to turn to but an ever darken world. Now they’re to have a friend that has promised to never leave them nor forsake, them, it’s true, I was thinking on this earlier when the Holy Spirit remind me. He described to me not only had Jesus promised to never leave us, he actually can’t leave us, it isn’t in his nature to abandon us, this is why he has promise that even if we make our bed in hell he is there. Not that any of us of want to go to hell to prove this holy Lord, though when you or your child worldly friends, mentors, parents, and even grandparents forsake them, this Holy Lord will always be there to hold this child up. This is what that recent dream was about, when I looked up all of sudden and realized I was surrounded by angels, that we, the believers, being the very temple of God we are always surrounded by angels, hence remember from whence thou art fallen, repent and do the first works. JCON.
-This now fame Pastor finally got deep within the cracking, smacking and vibrations of his voice crying what do we prescribe for the evil, wicked black man? He's suppose to be a spiritual leader of mankind, you prescribe for the evil black man, the same as what you prescribe for the evil white man, for unrepentant mankind period. This would be Jesus the Christ of God, the way, truth and life eternal with God, his name is the only name given under heaven whereby mankind can be saved. This supreme Father hath commended his love toward us that while we were yet sinners this Christ Lord died for us. Unendingly, God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life. Thus, that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead, thou shalt be saved, for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
-Pastor Manning is what's wrong with organize Christianity, these failed leaders of men standing in the pulpits sounding good, looking good and smelling good while people by the hundred of thousands are falling dead all around them. Having forsaken sound doctrine and preaching for divine messages the commandments and regulations of men God's people perish. Yes right there in their midst, perish they do from a lack of knowing, a lack of knowing the Holy word, the Holy Spirit and thus the Holy Lord. They, the mast majority of them, they worship God with their mouth but their hearts, their works are no where near this blessed Lord. This is why out of a space, a silence in heaven the year of our Lord 1996 I heard a sorely weeping, sobbing Holy Lord of heaven proclaimed to me his people where dying. That they were being stripped of everything his Christ had brought them, again, how his people were dying, dying and how they were being stripped of everything His Christ has brought them, behold, he soon declared, I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day they were born.
-It’s as though Pastor Manning himself doesn’t know not only is mankind’s history, but his very nature is one of barbarism, of murder and mayhem dating back to the first recorded manslaughter of brother Cain slaying brother Abel. Jesus Christ, God was manifested in the flesh and dwelled among us because man is good? No because mankind is a ruin, he’s a ruin upon this planet, upon nation building and especially upon his fellow man, this ruination is in the very blood of mankind. Ideally change his heart, change his blood, change his blood change his blood lineage, thus is the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God.
-This is why the prophet Ezekiel explain how God is to take the old heart, the heart of flesh (filthiness, corruption) and give unto man a new heart of compassion, This is why God is described as one who judges mankind by his heart, why Jesus exclaimed how it is not what goes into man, but what comes from man, out of heart, that which provokes mankind to evil. This is why the word of God is described as being sharper than any two edge sword, piercing asunder even to the bones and marrow and is a discerner of the heart. Clearly why do we, especially those who’re to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, why do we marvel at unrepentant man barbaric ways?
My people perish and no man laid it to heart, merciful men are being lost as though none consider the righteous are taken out of the evil to come. Isa. 57:1 See also, John 14:6, John 3:16, Acts 4:12, Romans 5:8, Roman 10: 9,10
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM). In order to give to this work, to Apostle Bradford, I can’t tell you how much I need your support, you can now by way of paypal.com send donations by way of email to apostle5808@aol.com thanks and may the supreme truly award you accordingly, Apb, The RAM…
Prophecy Link
A Voice Declaring: Climb Up To The Roof Top, you got four hours, another, more strange matter of getting to the rooftop, of climbing up to safety on the map 03/06/2010
There’s some about a fever, about Tigris Fever, a manner of explosive or pandemic matters on the map beware, take heed 03/03/2010
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah, You Deliver Me
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
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