Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dear Mr. Selby II

A Voice Declaring: Synchronize (harmonize, coordinate) Judah, the nation of Israel, of Judaism, about bringing her into line prophetically on the map 02/16/2011
Seen to Be seeing a hand writing the name Jeremiah and the numbers, the scripture, 37:8, the overall fall of early Judah, of Mystery Babylon, of mankind’s kingdoms on the map
A Voice Declaring: “Solar Flare,” dangers from the stellar heavens frightfully and continuously on the map 09/18/2010
A Voice Declaring, Inquiring: “Who own the church?” ”A Voice Replying: “Rome!” 03/16/2005

Dear Minister Selby, 06/09/2011
Also see Dear Mr. Selby:

-Hi, Jonathan, Apostle Bradford here, did you get my last correspondence? I wrote you a week or so ago as soon as I saw your June 2009 prediction, this captured my attention because I’ve been expecting something similar this June of 2011. The archangel Gabriel appeared to me in May of 2004, what I remember him saying was, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so was there something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel. It wasn’t long after I got over the fact the archangel appeared to me, that we, mankind was so unworthy, that I remember there was something in the bible, if I wasn’t mistaken, in the book of revelation about a seventh angel.
-Much to my amazement Jonathan, biblical prophecy surrounding the seventh angel simply verify what I said, the archangel said to me, it goes like this, Rev. 10:7, but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. As so there’s Rev. 11:15, And the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign forever. It all represent as Gabriel said to me, the fulfillment of the mysteries (prophecies) of God, and the end of nation building.
-Of course when you look at the entirety of the 10th chapter of revelation, though the Apostle John with pen and paper tried, something even more outside depiction is happening. Something that’s to be a beyond divine spin on what the archangel is truly forewarning this end-time Apostle/church-bride.
This descending mighty Angel, clothed with a cloud, crown by a rainbow, with his cloud like feet stretched, the right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth. Of course it’s the Christ’s Lord (Emanuelle, God with us), mighty in power, glory and dominion, again straddling the sea and the earth, does he lift up his hand to the heavens, and he, this beyond description Holy Lord, God, begin to swear by the very event the Archangel Gabriel is proclaiming will mark the end-time fulfillment that’s upon this mankind, this age at present.
-Remarkably, phenomenally so, I just can’t get my mind around this, probably not suppose to, though again imagined this if you will, this bigger than life image that is beyond anything we’re to think, believe and again visualize. He again lifts his hand to heaven, he’s in a swearing position, possibly book of revelation in one hand, the other like the statue of liberty, but again larger than all things heaven and earth, it’s stretch toward God throne’s in heaven. This one who lives forever and ever, this one who created heaven and all things therein are, this one who created the earth and all things therein are, this one who created the sea and all things therein are. That he’s swearing, he making this beyond all things oath that when the seventh angel the archangel Gabriel in 2004 mention, that when He begin to sound “THERE SHALL BE TIME NO LONGER,” and according to Gabriel’s appearing we are it.
-This mean all the prior false starts pale in comparison to this Christ Lord Almighty swearing by God in heaven, this shall be the end, the end of sin, the end of nation building, the end of biblical prophecy fulfilling, Christ’s millennium, reign. Just last night I was using for an example to my spouse how a pregnancy is most trying in those final weeks prior to delivery, and though this new mother may have many false starts most disappointing, once her water breaks it is plainly and dramatically clear, even celebrative how it’s time of delivery is come, soon very soon without question a newness is upon.
-This is what the seventh angel prophecy represent, that regardless of centuries of false starts, the sounding of the seventh angel is upon us, and thus the fulfillment of all end time, biblical events. Although I never related this to this 2004 appearing, I was caught up in visions and dreams the morning of 08/10/2010, I wish I could tell you what I saw and heard but the truth is I don't rightly know. That's correct, like it was routine, or it just wasn't that important, only as I began to wake I heard a voice say and I quote, "and this shall be the end."
-My Christ Jesus, who's about to be on the earth, you should've seen me trying to do like this re-run or trying to take what I supposedly heard and saw more serious, 'and this shall be the end.' Of course now I know what I saw and what it all represent, a blessed assurance how the Christ’s Lord is right now riding on the clouds of heaven, rainbows, stars and all toward the sleeping in this Holy Lord first, then those yet alive, all, who’re to hear his beckoning call and into the heavens like a flash evolve. Of course I thought of one scripture passage in particular, the one event on this planet whereas we’re to know for a certainty fulfillment is here and there is no looking or turning back. This would be Jesus crying aloud, when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:), how this astonishing, horrifying event alone will mark for a total the end-time fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Matthew 25th chapter
-I too Jonathan have been following a timetable, though it’s one given me by the Holy Spirits themselves, although they’ve been showing me the smoke of this nation burning since the late eighties, it was the year of our Lord December 2001. How I looked into a dream, one representing the nations of this world being weighed, found wanting, with a weigh scale totaling a figure of 190, I calculated this sum to be 190 months, meaning 15.10 years. That this is how long the supreme father was giving the nations of men too as was described of the prophet Daniel, that they’re to make an end of sin, bringing in everlasting righteousness (Jesus Christ) and thus God’s reigning kingdom. From this sum 15.10, I subtracted according to biblical prophecy 42 months belonging to the Gentile area of biblical Israel, and 42 months to the anti-Christ reign, meaning seven total years, this only left eight years and ten months for world nation to repent, all of which has expired.
-I was sitting in front of the television in 2010, American Idol was on and just as this show was going on, all the perpetual nonsense of it, I said and I quote, my god, when is all of this going to end? Now you must know I have this truly remarkable hearing gift, I never thought of this way before, but that’s what it is. Things I hear is sometimes man talking among themselves, there’s evil spirits, even territorial spirits conversing among themselves, as so there are times I hear Holy Spirits talking among themselves. There was this one time years ago I heard a voice ask America, whether or not she’d ever died before, I recognized this as territorial spirits conversing among themselves. This particular night of March 7, I heard a voice say, in 39 and a half weeks you’ll be dead, and just as soon I heard an additional voice say, December 18th, it was here I rose from bed, found a pen and paper and wrote down what I heard.
-When I did raise from bed later that morning, I went to my calendar just to see what I would find, truly 39 an a half weeks from March 7th 2010, would be December 18th 2010, you see they didn’t only give me this timetable, they even calculated it for me. Of course it all made sense, the eight years and ten months of the December 2001 timetable would’ve originally expired in or around December 2009, with ten months pending. Now I have another reminder, revision of this timetable, one I don’t pay much attention to, but one written in my prophecy links, July 2008, a voice declaring: Two weeks and seven years from now, now we’re talking 2015, a scientist on your page predicted something between the years 2008, and 2015. Out of all of the things they’ve been showing me and telling me I predicted the end of nation building, but I expected the great gathering of saints to happen no later than 2009, now here I was being directed to December Unknowingly, though was there a rare, nearly four hundred year old winter, solstice eclipse, one so far brining on its heel unprecedented disasters all the world around. Although just as I get forewarnings about a tornado outbreak at the end of December 2010, I hear a voice declaring, six more months and the beginning of this May passed, a voice declaring further, A Big June, of course the month of June would fulfill the extended for six months time-table.
-I want to say this count down in my head began just before President Obama was voted into office, I’d predicted in 2003 how despite how successful the Bush wars, however a Hussein would one day father this nation. The Holy Spirits will verify I knew nothing whatsoever of Barack Obama prior to this prediction, I simply calculated and believed end-time prophecy to this degree. Thus I’d already predicted he would be the end-time man of peace, not the anti-Christ, as I figure they were two separate people, one to draft the peace accord and another, possibly a Syrian, to break it. I looked Jonathan in a dream just before President Obama was voted into office, in the dream I was making it like a world leader and we’d sat down to a table for talks.
-It was here in this dream the Holy Spirit said and I quote, he’s the one,” that’s all he said was, “he’s the one, in this dream Mr. Obama went on to persuade me how he could be trusted, and from there he encourage me to pay close attention to his itinerary as proof. This was a month or so before he meet with Britain and France leaders, If I’m not mistaking there has been this countdown going on in my head every since. So you see why I found so much interest in your prophecy, both the year 2009, and the month of June, it will mark the anniversary of so many things both ancient prophecy and those at present. The Holy Spirit described to be recently how when Daniel was shown end-time prophecy, he was commissioned to conceal it, that when John the revelator was shown end-time prophecy, the rise of the anti-Christ, he was told to reveal, for the time of exposure was at hand.
-How for the last twenty-five years, since spring of 1986, when the Christ appeared to me in the heavens, three times telling me to come, where the prophet Ezekiel 1993/94 showed me three time-tested doors in God’s throne. Then in 2004, the archangel Gabriel was forewarning how the time of fulfillment, this generation, this age was now at hand. Now seven years later, a proposed for this age Big June in which this Apostle believe, the Islamic protest, as so that protesting greatly failing governments and financial sectors all around the world is the great falling away the Apostle Paul spoke of, and this month at present will be the great gathering of saints. I don’t believe Jonathan finding your material, so very encouraging I may add was no coincidence, I believe there are too spirits working for and against us for there to be coincidence. I believe the Holy Spirit, (Holies of Holy), want you to know your forewarning the people haven’t been in vain, how a good servant indeed is the watchman of house, be ye strong in Lord and in power of his might. Apb, The RAM

That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, the Ram

Apostle P. Bradford
The Rising Above Ministry (RAM)

Also see Dear Mr. Camping:
See Also

Prophetically On The Map

Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link

Prophecy Links

-A Voice Declaring: "Two weeks and seven years," a divine countdown, unto the fulfillment of all things biblical and prophetic again on the map 07/29/2008 (see Russia and Georgia, a prelude to end time world wars)
-A Voice Declaring: One Month from now, the calculation, or a time clock totaling a sum of one month on the map 11/04/2008
-A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
-A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
-A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010
-A Voice Declaring: In Six Months, the calculation or time clock totaling six months into the new year remarkably on the map 12/31/2010
-A Voice Declaring: “A Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011 (see 1970, Elvis Presley, invasions on American soil)
-A Voice Declaring: “Eight Days More, there’s something about a divine time table on the map 05/27/2010
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Selah: How Great Thou Art

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above

Dear Mr. Selby

A Voice Declaring: “Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011 (see 1970, Elvis Presley, invasions on American soil)
A Voice Declaring: “Eight Days More, there’s something about a divine time table on the map 05/27/2010
Dear Mr. Selby 06/03/2011

-Dear Jonathan, Apostle Bradford here, I was researching Solar Flares on the internet moments ago and ran across your videos, I was truly astonished when I saw the date you’d given as the date of the great gathering of saints. My story Jonathan is one dating back some twenty five years ago, 1986, the spring thereof, I could tell you what I saw and heard and what it all mean but such phenomenal things have happen since. I want to know do you read? That’s what I do, I write, I minister to God’s people all manner of end-time prophecy that coincides completely with the word of God that they’re not to be taken in snares but forewarn, by writing.
-Just yesterday while sitting at the table with my granddaughter playing cards, she said something about people talking about kissing Jesus feet, immediately I told her I woke up in a dream some years ago, (2004). In this dream I was kneeling down as to kiss Jesus feet just before I looked up and all around me realizing I was standing with this Christ Lord on the mount of Olives. I told her when Jesus return with the saints, he’s suppose to sat his feet that day upon the mount of olives, it’s in the fourteenth chapter of Zechariah, I told her, and soon she read it for herself, as so Jude, Enoch, describing how tens of thousands o f saints will return with him.
-That Jonathan is what my entire Christian life has been about, these inconceivable dreams, visions and visitations to heaven, even heaven coming down to visit me, the archangel Gabriel that is , 2004, he explained to me how the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so was there something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel. This is why I asked whether or not you write, I wrote a paper entitled Knowing whereas Holy Spirits through this end time Apostle/Prophet predicted the end of nation building thirty-nine and a half weeks from March 7th 2010, as so was there a date given, December 18th.
-Surely when you calculate thirty-nine and a half weeks from March 7th you get December 18th, you will understand better when you realize this time table was off of a earlier time table given me December 25th of 2001. One whereas the Kingdoms of men were given exactly 190 months to make an end of sin, and bring in everlasting righteousness (repent, Jesus Christ), which is 15.10 years. Thinking with seven of these years belonging to the anti-Christ reign, I calculated America’s end around the year 2009, your year, so this new date December 2010 was only off like a year more or less .
-Well to make the last twenty-five years shorter, December 31st 2010 I was told there would be another six months further, and the first of May of 2011, I was given the word of knowledge Big June, and around May 26, 27, 2011, I heard a voice declare, eight days more. I always thought this countdown was that counting down to the great gathering of saints, it’s been seven years since the mount of Olives dream, Gabriel, since I seen a trial run and dress rehearsal for the great gathering of saints, as so the Christ Lord being made ready to come into the Battle.
-As so Jonathan, there’s this single dream in 2004, where I heard sirens and trumpets through the night and where I witness born again saints shooting into the heavens all over the planets like fire rockets. Where in the heavens just above I witness a cloud awaiting this fantastic gathering, a cloud that kept getting larger and larger and fatter and fatter every time a saint was captured into it. To be completely honest, and though I’d not realized it before the year 2004, three years into the December 2001 prophecy was extremely volatile with dreams and visions regarding this especial promise to “GET THE REDEEM OUT!”
-When you describe this Solar event predicted of 2012 as what Jesus could be describing as that solar event proceeding his second return is how I explained this strange physic symbol MC2=(JESUS) F =ma given to me in a dreamscape around 1998, although I think this event is now as I write. I knew immediately it was a physics equation, and how this manner of science was basically about NEO’s I then figure it could only mean Jesus would arrive just as the heavens was performing itself rather cataclysmic. As I said this is how I’ve always explained what this bizzare imagine mean, I then believe after twenty-five years of forewarnings regarding both the smoke of America’s burning (mystery Babylon. As so this worldwide system of whoredom, commerce, politics/religion destruction), as so the great gathering of saints, these primary events are nigh at hand, that this could be the fulfillment of your and the Holy Spirit Big June prediction, beware, take heed, Apb, The RAM…

A Voice Declaring: “Solar Flare,” dangers from the stellar heavens frightfully and continuously on the map 09/18/2010

Also see Dear Mr. Camping:
See Also

-That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, ) © Copyright 2009-2010 By: THE R.AM, All RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).

Prophetically On The Map

-Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link

Prophecy Links

-A Voice Declaring: "Two weeks and seven years," a divine countdown, unto the fulfillment of all things biblical and prophetic again on the map 07/29/2008 (see Russia and Georgia, a prelude to end time world wars)
-A Voice Declaring: One Month from now, the calculation, or a time clock totaling a sum of one month on the map 11/04/2008
-A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
-A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
-A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010
-A Voice Declaring: In Six Months, the calculation or time clock totaling six months into the new year remarkably on the map 12/31/2010
-A Voice Declaring: “A Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011 (see 1970, Elvis Presley, invasions on American soil)
-A Voice Declaring: “Eight Days More, there’s something about a divine time table on the map 05/27/2010 For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Selah: How Great Thou Art

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above