Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dear Mr. Camping

From A Painting In The Dark, The RAM…

An Explosive Light, Japan

Seen to be seeing us in an earthquake, surrounded by earthquake damage, seen to be panic all around...03/04/2011
Seen To Be Seeing an explosive light, A Voice Declaring Japan, Japan under an explosive light on the map 12/26/2010

-Dear Mr. Camping, I was searching the internet recently, actually CNN when I saw an article about your prediction for May 21st 2011, this is actually my granddaughter Miya birthday, she'll be four years old. When I read this prediction I wasn't at all shocked, though how you've come about this date is truly extraordinary, I was reading in Genesis possibly a year or so ago, this is where I learn the possible significance of the two numbers 17 and 7. You see some years ago, seven, eight years ago I heard a voice speak to me and declare "mark seventeen and seven." As to make note of as though these two figures bore further significance, it wasn't until I was reading this day that I learn how these numbers were in relation to Noah's ark, and the end of the world.
-I guess it worth mentioning how Jesus himself use Noah's earth ending disaster to portray it as an example of the state man and even the mind humankind would be in when their end doeth come. I've been ministering online for the last decade and more, I've been forewarning people unendingly how an end hath come upon the four corners of this nation and the world, how America would most of all suffer in all likeness to Judah of Ezekiel's day, how God is to have sacrifice and not mercy. There isn't hardly a day that goes by in which I don't go online and remind people this is the end, how this is the generation Jesus spoke of, the one that wouldn't pass away until all end time prophecy is fulfilled.
-In the year of our Lord 1988 they showed me the smoke of America's burning, that through dreams and visions they've been showing me her end every since, to be honest there's hardly anything of disaster that’s to happen in this nation or this world whereas I'm not first forewarn, thus I go online to forewarn others. In a dream in December 2001, I believe the Holy Spirits gave a dream which depicted the end of nation building upon which they were given 190 months, that’s 15.10 years to as Daniel's Jerusalem bring an end to sin. Apparently with seven years, that's 84 weeks, of these years belonging to the new world order and the antichrist reign., his only left eight years and ten months to the world of nation building which I, or Holy Spirits predicted through me expired on December 18th 2010.
-On March third 2010 I heard a voice declare "in thirty nine and a half weeks you'll be dead," then moments later I heard an additional voice declare December 18th, surely enough when I calculated thirty-nine and a half weeks from March 3 2010, it fell on December 18th 2010. Since this additional timetable was given to me in weeks, I had only to assume it was the identical one given to me in 2001, but not only so.
-Though I didn’t realize it until much later but if my calculation of December 2001 dream was actual, that 84 weeks belong to the last seven years of this age, then this new time table was right on, this is about how long the nations of the free world had left to the 2001 time table. I'll admit a week or so earlier of this dream I was sitting in front of an episode of American idol, I was sitting there as one grown tired of Jesus long awaited reign when I said out loud, “when is all of this going to end? When it is all going to be final and like territorial spirits talking among themselves I got this date.
-Thus what you’re doing now, of course more wide spread and nation/worldwide was me last year leading up to December 18th 2010 as I knew an end hath come upon America and the world, and well the free world and indeed it did. A nearly four hundred year old winter solstice lunar eclipse has brought with it unprecedented manners of world disasters with Islam looking like the end time fulfillment of the great falling away prophesied by the Apostle Paul. "Six more months," this is what I heard a voice declare further to me December 31st 2010. You ask my spouse and he’ll tell you as far as I’m concern America and the entire free world as of December 18th 2010 is over, and done, get to the alters of repentance and reconciliation that is especially in mankind knees.
-This as far as Holy Spirit is concern mean anything is possible, and we’re talking about disasters which are to make what happen in Japan although unthinkable it’s to appear minuscule according to what’s readily upon us, especially fire from heaven. Henceforth when this same voice added an additional six months in waiting to this time clock this further put this end time date around June 2011, only one month off of your date, I believe it will mark the great gathering of saints.
-Though if either of these dates prove to be actual, this will mean Christ reign will begin seven years from the December date in the year 2017, thus another figure of seventeen and seven. I can only pray you Mr., Minister Camping get this correspondence and reach me just as soon, Apostle P. Bradford of the Rising Above Ministry (RAM), pbradfordm@aol.com, I’m desperate for hearing from you. I have to tell you about Gabriel appearing to me in 2004, and what he indeed forewarn, these are truly unrealizable for the ancient times. Beware, Apb, The RAM…

Prophecy Links

And This Shall Be The End

-Just last night, well this morning, I awaken from a dream whereas in the dream I was sitting in a church, it seem to be a Jimmy Swaggart church when suddenly people became panic. They became panic and started exiting the building, they where exiting the building because of a bomb threat. We're not talking about deadly incidents in the away yonder where people are repeatedly dying in our stead but we're talking about American soil. 05/25/2010
-I looked into dreams whereas cities of America where making it like cities of Iraq. I saw a Wal-Mart in flames. People in total panic, I even saw people taken hostage; my spouse was one of them, as so was there something about bomb threats. This is where I pulled from the sinks where I was washing dishes a long length of hair that was to act as a measuring stick, like the horses bridle mention in Revelation, which is six feet long. 05/22/2010
-I was caught up in visions and dreams this morning, 08/10/2010, I wish I could tell you what I saw and heard but the truth is I don't rightly know. That's correct, like it was routine, or it just wasn't that important, only as I began to wake I heard a voice say and I quote, "and this shall be the end." My Christ Jesus, who's about to be on the earth, you should've seen me trying to do like this re-run or trying to take what I supposedly heard and saw more serious, 'and this shall be the end.'

The Wilderness of Sin

-Just as soon I was driving a brand new, white, trimmed in gold intrepid automobile right through the center of a wilderness. A wilderness of sin mind, you, that’d been shaped and molded into a world metropolis inconceivable, especially the American Dream. It wasn’t long before the door on the driver side open and I stumbled from the car, to the ground, watching my brand new car drive on without me.
-Soon coming to my feet did I realize I was standing in front of an old, worn house, it remind me of the house I grew up in. Then just as soon I was inside the building, inside the building looked a lot like a hospital with nurses dressed in white jackets all about, that’s what I thought it was, a hospital. Soon the workers came upon me and they brought me to a weigh scale, they stood me thereupon and thereupon I weighed some 190 lbs., (I didn’t know this then, but see the length of Jerusalem’s exile under the prophet Ezekiel, which was totaled 190 years).
-Just as soon as they weighed me they begin to carry me out, toward the back door, I remember thinking about my car and how I would leave, how I would get away without my car. As I said they lead me to the back porch, what I saw at the back of this house was nothing like the front, in the front it was December 25th 2001 and America, the free world was bountiful without description. In the back of this house it was more like the year 1801, it could only be described as the western days and there were horses all about, but nothing like the horses we’re at all used, too.
-Not before long they were leading a horse my way, I remember thinking I didn’t know how to ride a horse, it was tall, and it was blonde/ or beige and it was all infested with fleas, (God as my witness at this time I never considered it was a, or the pale horse, see the fourth seal). Just as soon there were other horses, but these horses weren’t real, they were men dressed as horses, they arrived consecutively around to face me or as I or the dispensation of time I represented was to face these various judgments, did I awaken back to this reality at present.
-Thus when I or the book characters refer to the Intrepid dream I’m talking about this astonishing dream, where the nations of the world were weighed and found lacking and given 190 months, that’s fifteen years and ten months passed December 25th 2001 to as Daniel’s people were forewarn, to make an end of sin, that’s realize Jesus as Lord. Though a nearly four hundred year old winter solstice eclipse December 21st 2010 has brought with it unthinkable disasters, this time table of December 18th 2010, was as of December 31st 2010 given an additional six months. Most of what you’re to remember is everything presented in this dream is in comparison to a biblical prophecy given one or more of the early prophets, up to the John the Revelator, there is nothing new here.
-Nothing new as the Heavenly, Holy Spirits are the same today, yesterday and forever, it’s all a reinvention of biblical prophecy that great, insurmountable judgment I’ve been prophesying since the mid eighties, the smoke of America’s burning is now upon us. You may then ask how serious is all this? Well you know in the movies when something cataclysmic happen and people run flocking to their religious centers. Well the Holy Spirit forewarn me to forewarn you in 1998, and yes I said 1998, three years before the September 11th attacks and though it wasn’t for years when I realized it, the Intrepid dream was in the same year as the September 11th attacks. Anyway, He forewarn me mightily, and just as so right now I’m reminded, this warning isn’t unlike Revelation 18:4-8 where we’re forewarn mightily to flee Mystery Babylon, (world religion, nation building).

And This Shall Be The End

A Voice Declaring:
“In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010

That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).

Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19

I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Selah: Unredeemed

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above

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